Tuesday, April 13, 2021

4/15/21 BPMS Mini meeting, featured topic: blades

Thirteen people attended the meeting. No new releases were reported. In process and completed work included: LSSC boat, Ford GT 40, F-190, B-25B, SH-3, F-105F, Mi-24 Hind, Haunebu, He-279, Ar-386, F-4U Corsair, KV-1, F-4D1 Skyray and SRN-1 hovercraft, who's warped parts were fixed by sandwiching a sheet of aluminum between the upper and lower halves. We saw more acquisitions: AMX-10 RC, Paint masks for Panzer 3 and 4 wheels, KV-1 resin replacement detail pieces, decals for Vietnam era Sheridans and M113s and figures from Evolution and Stalingrad. The topic for discussion was blades, #11s mostly, but also #22s and scalpels. Gil demonstrated sharpening a #11 blade with a tool and oil from Diamond Ejer. Don described how he uses water and a 4 grade diamond stone from Harbor Freight to keep his edge. Vaughn uses a whetstone to keep his carving tools sharp. Of course, a good blade needs a good handle and we saw several examples from Fiskars. Their fingertip knife is great for cutting out decals as long as you don't scratch you nose while using it. Moving away from blades, we learned that tea candle holders are great at keeping paint bottles from toppling over and we saw a cheap, low tech (double sided tape and jelly jar lid) system to keep glue bottles from falling over. One guy claims he never knocked over a glue bottle because he never stopped using tube glue. And you should never stop attending our virtual meetings. The next one is 4/22/21 at 8 pm. Invite to follow. Hope to see you there. 


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