Thursday, August 18, 2022

BPMS Bulletin: AUGUST [Meeting on 8/19/22]

BPMS Bulletin

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

JULY was another big meeting, despite being the, traditionally, lightest attended meeting any year. We had 29 members and 5 guests who brought in 24 models for another meeting presided over by Tom Govia, acting in a presidential capacity.

July Meeting

NEW MEMBER: We voted in our second new member, post-pandemic. Julio Guadalupe, a builder with eclectic tastes and, another, 3D printer, was voted during the July meeting! Congrats and welcome to the fold!

BEST ONLINE RESOURCES: Over the last couple years, it seems like many of our members have been mentioning various online resources for methods and inspiration to build models. Please bring in a list of your favorite sites and specific channels you like to visit to share with the group.  

Photo-phone list: Gordon started taking photos of the group for the photo-phone list. If he didn’t take your photo at the last meeting, please see him at the next meeting.  

BPMS SHIRTs: Gordon did some leg-work and found that we can order polo-style shirts in a variety of colors for around $30. We will be accepting money for orders in AUGUST.  

SWAP NIGHT: Bring in models to swap or sell. Please also bring cash, you never know what you might find and there is no tab at this bar!  

raffle: We had another raffle with a remarkable assortment of prizes. The club is always looking for donations for these activities.

On the agenda: August

EARLY START: We have had some packed meetings. Maybe we should start the business at 7:30 PM? We have Pizza showing up, too!

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! Just be paid up to date on your dues and you can eat all you like. We ask members to please avoid bringing guests for this meeting.

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q22 The year is just moving along. It’s time for the third installment of the quarterly contest. This would be a good time to rack up some more votes for your annual totals. Remember, if you built something for the theme contest that has never been to a quarterly contest before, feel free to bring it back!

BPMS 50th Anniversary: It seems perfect timing that the club could get back to meetings in time for our 50th Anniversary. We opened discussions and due to the occasion the group is interested in something more reflective of the celebration. We were kicking around ideas about steak or Italian food possibly during the months of September or October, before the holidays set in. Russ has some things to report at the next meeting.

WEEKLY ZOOM: Even though we are back to having regular meetings, the weekly ZOOM will continue! New day and time: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Every week EXCEPT for weeks with an in-person meeting.


AUGUST 19, 2022



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