Sunday, October 30, 2022

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: 10/25/22 / featured topic: reviews

Reviews, they're everywhere these days. Do you read them? Do they influence your purchases? Which reviewer do you trust?

Thirteen people attended the meeting. Lou reported two new releases from Trumpeter: 1/48 M-14 Hound and 1/700 Gneisnau. Mark shared photos of the 10/22/22 Poughkeepsie show, where Joe won Gold for his Milicent Patrick figure. Hopefully we'll see Milicent at the November meeting. Kevin shared photos of the NAS Wildwood Aviation Museum in Rio Grande, NJ (at the Cape May Airport). Aircraft of different eras are on display. Some are under restoration. It's not parked in the Gift Shop but Kevin heard their restored Corsair is for sale, only $3 Million. Iin progress and completed work included: F-7 U3 Cutlass, Lysander, downsized Minister of Silly Walks figure, GT-40, SU-76, Su-27 Flanker, An-74, '66 Buick Wildcat, Soviet Aerosan (Kosta translated the markings for Mr. K), Lacrosse Mobile launcher and female magician figure. Acquisitions included: FW 1000, Razorcrest spacecraft (in a larger scale) and Marilyn Monroe in Korea figure. The tool the week was a Cylindrical Surface Sander from Dspiae. It's like a Flex-I-file, but with a handle and able to hold any abrasive strip you choose. The featured topic was reviews. The general feeling was that they come in handy, pointing out problems and errors so you know what you're getting into. In box reviews are nice nut full build reviews are more valuable. Mark will be doing a full-built review of Takom's floating drydock. We're not certain where or when it will appear. However, we are certain that our next meeting is Tuesday 11/1/22 at 7:30. Invites to follow. Happy Halloween. 


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