Thursday, January 26, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: 1/24/23

Fourteen people attended the meeting. We're thinking of a lunch meeting on Saturday, 3/4/23 at Junior's, 386 Flatbush Avenue Extension, Brooklyn, across from the DeKalb Ave. subway station. It's a good opportunity to catch up with those who can't attend the Friday night meetings. 
Lou reports three 1/35 releases from Trumpeter: Ka-29 Helix helicopter, Iron Dome Air Defense System, M-901 Launching Station w/ Patriot SAM and, one from Hobby Boss, 1/48 F4U-1D. Noreastcon will be 4/29/23 in Albany and AMPS is scheduled for the 5/4&6/23 in Harrisburg, PA. Details to follow. Mark talked about doing kit reviews for AMPS. If you're interested, contact him directly. He also told us why military map symbols look the way they do. Interesting stuff. Thanks, Mark. 
In progress and completed work included: Lysander (Vaughn is putting that second kit to good use), F-104 J, AT-33, Wazbom 40K, RF-4, Delphin Midget Submarine, Gerat 040, Jagdpanther and masked female figure. Acquisitions included: F-4G Wild Weasel, YF-22 and Be-200 ES.
In the tool segment, Gil explained how to make and use a simple vacuum forming device, built using easily available parts. The featured topic was (injection molded) dream models. There was some overlap, but they fell into several categories: never produced (Duplex Drive Sherman, 1988 Mercury Cougar, S-67 Blackhawk, P-8 Poseidon), out of production (SS United States, HMS Hermies), in need of an update (F-7F Tigercat, RF-8 Crusader, M-88 A2, OS2U Kingfisher) or, in a different scale (Forrestall class ships, SH-60 K, HH-E3, Huey Gunship). Several people felt they already had every kit they wanted. Gil was one of them until Don mentioned his Porsche 804 F-1 from Fernando Pinto. 
Next meeting is 1/31/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you then.

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