Sunday, April 16, 2023

BPMS Zoom MIni Meeting: April 11, 2023

Thirteen people attended the meeting. Lou reports the following new releases: Atlantis' 1/400 Boeing SST, and the 1/56 Bomark missile with Launch platform, Tamiya Panzer IV 70A, US 55 gal. drums, German drums, and Jerry cans. Rumor has it that "Eagle Moss" may be resuming deliveries soon.
Congrats to Vaughn for his upcoming move to a new place.  Get well wishes to Jimmy T, Russ H., and Don I, hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.Welcome to Paul F., a new face to the Zoom meetings. He builds everything, and plans work on a USS Enterprise bridge.In progress and completed work include  a WIP on a new Hobby Room (Don), A-6 (painting problems), XP 79B (canopy problem hopefully solved), 1/20 Alita Battle Angel figure, '73 Volkswagen Bus, a Lost in Space Chariot, an Atlantis F89 Scorpion, a B-50, Roto-Jeep, JU-88 with BF109, JU88 with FW90, an He162 with Arado 155, MPC Joker Get Away Car with resin Joker figure, a 1/48 Sheridan tank (difficult build) with available PE set,  Meng F-18F two seater.Topic was Do you use your tax refund to add to your model stash. Most of the replies were various reasons for a no, tho a 1/16 Tiger tank was a close to refund buy, also a GHAD double action airbrush was a tax refund buy.
Tool of the week was a lesson on converting a battery operated tooth brush into a mini sander with punch & die,  Velcro backed sand paper. Toughest part is reportedly pulling out all the bristles.
Announcement that NoreastCon in Albany, NY will be taking place later this month. Also upcoming is Armor Con (Oct.) and the HVHMG Annual show (also Oct.). Mark N's image of MosquitoCon contest roomwas shown. Discussion ensued about attendance, which then evolved onto young people or the lack thereof in the IPMS. One theory was that it originates at the local level where "oldsters"  scoff when the "youngster" brings in their choice of model- Sci-Fi and especially Gundam figures. Paul F. then put out and appeal for ideas for space themed models. Tom K advised of the JPL Ambassador Program,  then it was pointed out that JPL and NASA has numerous card models available for download. One only has to cut them out and white glue the model together. Kevin K mentioned he uses those paper plans to us as a template for building in styrene.  Bobby P. remembered that he had an endo-scope (from a previous tool tip) and now how to adapt it to image models.
There is no Zoom meeting next week in lieu of the In-Person Meeting. Next Zoom Meeting is April 25th. Invites to follow. (Any errors or exclusions were unintentional).  ;)
Second string zoom sec., ;)
Kev K

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