Sunday, May 28, 2023

5/23/23 BPMS Zoom mini meeting report

Ten people attended the meeting. Last Friday's in person meeting had about twenty-five attendees, most of whom participated in the quarterly contest. Jimmy shared photos of the entries from the BPMS Facebook page. Kosta reminded us about Fleet Week (the parade of ships was held earlier today) and the Bethpage Air Show, which is 5/27-28/23 at Jones Beach State Park. If you go to either one , take photos for next Tuesday's meeting. Mark shared photos of Noreastcon and, after the meeting, sent this link

In progress and completed work included: Panzer 4/70(A), A-6 (a challenging build, as Vaughn politely put it), EA-6A, 77 Dodge (with Joker figure), PKZ-2 helicopter, female archer bust, M551 Sheridan, Eagle (from Space 1999) and Sherman Calliope. Acquisitions included: more Reskit items (from Ukraine), a German Infantry figure in 1/16 and 1/35, F-27 A/B, F-16 C, F-18 C, CH-1Skyhook, YH-41Seneca and F/A -18F. Gil started using Jo Sonja Brush Soap and Conditioner on his brushes. It works on acrylics and oil, but the steps differ, depending on the paint type used. 

We asked everyone if they worked seated or standing. Many sit at a desk and several complained about their non-ergonomic chairs. Seated on a stool at a craft bench works for some, while others prefer standing at the bench, especially when airbrushing. After this discussion (and post meeting comments from Michael, Vaughan and Bobby), we can expect people to reevaluate the way they work. Next meeting is Tuesday, 5/30/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Lastly, since the Brooklyn Bridge is a prominent element in the BPMS logo, I want to remind everyone that the Brooklyn Bridge opened to traffic 140 years ago today. If you're in the area, make a walk across the Bridge part of your Memorial Day weekend. You won't regret it.

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