Friday, November 03, 2023

BPMS Bulletin: November 2023 by Kevin K

 Minutes from the October Meeting

Attendance: Members – 23, Guests – 3, Models – 27
Meeting was gaveled to order at 7:40PM.

•The meeting centered around Pledge night displays, and it was also Spooky Models Night. Anything that was either spooky, or had a name that was spooky was eligible.
•A report from Julio’s Manhattan Model Build session was another success despite some bad weather. Modelers of all ages and interests participated. Other shows included Armor Con and the HVHMG show. Look for the flyer and categories elsewhere in this issue.
•It was also reported that Julio was injured and not able to attend the event. The Club wishes him all the best for a speedy recovery.
•A report from ArmorCon indicates a nice show, even though the room was small. At least 150 models were on display. The Vendor room was good!
•The monthly raffle was held with 14 winners!
•October is Nominations month, and Tom Govia was Nominated for President. Kevin Kilkenny was nominated for VP.
•Discussion also included the Christmas Dinner to be held Dec. 2. See below.
•Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM
BPMS Christmas Luncheon
December 2 – Mark your calendar! This year’s Christmas Luncheon will once again be at Nora’s starting at noon. The price for the event is $45 per person. If you didn’t sign up at the meeting, please contact a Club Officer. Make sure to indicate if you have a +1.
Nora’s is located at 3019 Quentin Rd., in Brooklyn.
November BPMS Activities!
  • Contest Night: 4Q23 – The last contest of the year. What have you built recently? Bring it in and put it on the table! Good Luck to everyone.
  • SUPER Raffle: November is the month for the super raffle. For every model you brought in you got a ticket, and then for declaring a pledge, and then bringing it in for show you get 5 tickets. There’s always a load of goodies to be won. So, make sure you arrive on time!
  • Looking to thin the stash? We’re always looking for kit donations for the raffles. Take a look way at the bottom in the back of the pile. I’m sure you can find one or two to bring in. Thanks in advance!

Meeting date: 

November 17, 2023

Location: BBSC

Time: We usually have members setting up by 6 PM. Feel free to come by early!

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