Friday, June 15, 2007

Bulletin: June 2007

A couple last minute words regarding the theme contest:

"In addition to those members who are assembling a model kit that fits into the "Vintage 1965" theme and its guidelines, if anyone wishes, they may bring a vintage, unbuilt kit for display. This way, more guys can participate and not have to worry about building a classic kit they would rather remain 'mint in box'. [In addition, feel free to bring in your boxes and instructions for your built ups as well as any works that weren’t completed in time. ~B2] I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!"

by Bobby the Blue
May kept the wave going. We had 32 members and one guest bringing in 30 models. We had some serious entry numbers like armor like we haven’t seen in a while.
CONTEST NIGHT 2Q07: This turned out to be quite a contest. A lot of great work was competing in the various categories that night. That’s what we love to see!

PARTS BOX NIGHT: Parts! Members brought in parts, and others got to bring some home. Thanks guys!

SWAP NIGHT: People always bring stuff in to sell, but the amount brought in just seems to increase when I mention a swap night in the bulletin. Good stuff!
On the agenda: June
PIZZA NIGHT: This is the one activity that brings the members out of the woodworks. Pizza Night! A BPMS tradition for decades. There are a couple conditions: members shouldn’t bring guests for this activity, and you must be up to date on your membership dues. Be sure to check with the trez. No Dues? No pizza for you!

THEME CONTEST NIGHT: VINTAGE 1965 This will be the first theme contest of 2007 and our first theme contest sponsored by a non-member, our awards master Ed Dietrich! I think the least we can do to repay his benevolence by building lots and building well for such an easy theme to build for! Who doesn’t have some old goodies in the stacks and piles? These are the words direct from our sponsor:

A modeler can submit a kit of any subject in any scale but it must be a kit that was available from 1955 - 1965. The idea is that you could walk into a hobby shop (or Five and Dime) back then and spot this kit on the shelf any time in that decade; an era which many consider to be the "Golden Age" of plastic kits.

The kit can be a re-release too, for example a Revell "Special Subjects Program" edition from 1997 of a kit originally produced in 1960 is OK.

However, I ask that modelers resist enhancing the vintage model with too many modern day doodads like resin and photo-etched parts, things you would not be using in 1965. You can add a few but don't go nuts with aftermarket goodies. Scratchbuilding parts is OK though, since you could have done that 40+ years ago.

Modelers can choose from these manufacturers: Aurora, AMT, Revell, Monogram, PYRO, Jo-Han, Airfix, Hawk, Precision, Lindberg, Palmer and Renwal - all companies operating back then. I already have an award design in mind and will make all of them myself. (Probably even the honorable mentions too!)

Modern supplies such as PAINT are perfectly fine to use. Feel free to contact Ed directly if you have any questions.

June Meeting will be on the 15th!!!

Early this month!

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