Monday, June 11, 2007

IPMS National Election - Please pass along to your Chapter members

The Election of IPMS/USA Officers for the next two years has begun. Please vote!

For the position of Historian/Publications Director, the Journal staff would like to strongly endorse the incumbent, James Woody.

Jim has played an integral role in the transformation of the Journal over the past year and half. He was present at the very first meetings about the redesigned Journal. He has been a powerful advocate for the ideas and goals of the Journal staff. He has made sure all financial, material and content needs have been met, and expanded the color content of the magazine. When the Journal was prevented from receiving review items from other sources, Jim provided them at his own expense. Even as he’s helped expand and improve the Journal, he has still managed to bring the Journal to your mailboxes under budget.

If you enjoy the direction the Journal has taken and wish to see it continue to improve, you owe it to yourself to vote for Jim Woody for Historian/Publications Director.

You will find a ballot and all candidate bios in the new issue of the Journal now arriving in your mailbox. The Journal staff encourages you to read the statements of all of the candidates then cast your vote. You may vote via the big yellow ballot in the Journal or on-line at:

Thank you,

Chris Bucholtz, Nat Richards & John Heck

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