Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bulletin: July 2009


by Bobby P
June was another cramped and busy meeting. We were still confined to half the space, but we did just fine. We had 28 members and 2 guests in attendance who brought in 31 models. That might be our best showing for 2009!

June Meeting
Never underestimate the collective appetite of the BPMS. We did a pretty good job clearing out the pies.

IT’S A MAD MAD MAD MAD MODELING CONTEST: The theme contest sponsored by our master awards maker, Ed D., wais finally upon us. The turn out for this contest was spectacular! There were 27 entries on the tables and the quality of the work really made Ed’s job of judging very difficult. Ed’s top three were:

HUGH A. – T-72

Besides the top three, Ed distributed a liberal amount of Honorable Mentions and asked everyone to tell the group a couple words about their building experiences for this theme.

I would like to thank Ed for sponsoring another BPMS theme contest while not even being a member. Very benevolent! I would also like to thank all the members who participated in this theme and made such a great show of it, and contributed to the good time. THANKS!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog:

On the agenda: July
We’re having another theme night just for the fun of it. This time the theme is APOLLO. It could be a figure of the god, or the rocket, or the pilot, or anything else your imagination can come up with. Have fun with it.

PHOTO ROSTER UPDATE: It’s time to update the BPMS photo roster and that includes each member’s phone number and e-mail address. A lot of club business happens via e-mail, so it’s helpful to know of any changes. We passed a roster around at the May meeting and will do so again in July. If you didn’t see the roster at the May meeting and won’t be at the July meeting, please send any changes to Hugh A. at shuvlboy [ at ] msn dot com. If your picture was not in the first roster, see Hugh during a meeting to get your picture taken or send him a digital photo. Thanks.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: In case you haven’t heard, Gordon STILL is without car. When he’s back up and running again, Gordon will continue to bring in the big basin for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” If you don’t want to bring home your spare parts, feel free to toss them into the big bin! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for people to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

RECOGNIZE THESE GUYS? These are recently joined members Kevin App (left) and Tony Gray (right). Hugh will have Raymond Whitton as soon as he’s able to grab him for a pic! Again, welcome!

Meeting Date: July 17, 2009!
Same time, same place!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Bax - I am the same ass with a different page now, was bamatrav.
