Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bulletin: 08/2009


July meeting allowed us to spread out a bit. We had the entire facility to ourselves for a change. We had 29 members and 1 guest in attendance who brought in 37 models. Two months in a row with great showings of work!

July Meeting

APOLLO THEME: We had a lovely variety of kits on display for the anniversary of the Apollo Mission. Vinny had, literally, a couple words on the subject and ran some NASA footage all night long.

PRIMER AND FINISHES DISCUSSION: I know I spaced out on my portion of the discussion, but luckily Frank Colucci came well prepared. Between what we had to say and additional words and suggestions from other members, we had a very educational and spirited discussion.

RESIN DISCUSSION: Matt L. showed us his latest resin casting project and showed us how the use of vacuum or pressure will improve the quality of a cast. Some good stuff!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: August

THIRD QUARTER CONTEST: This is the third quarterly installment of the annual contest. So bring in your goodies to try to accumulate some more votes. Remember, if you built something new for the Mad Mad Model Contest, you can bring it back to enter into the annual contest. When you put your work on the table, don’t forget to include a contest entry form!

BARBECUE NIGHT: What’s summer without a good BBQ, and the BPMS has made this a part of our summer schedule for some years now. There are a couple conditions. Your dues must be paid up, and the club is tentatively charging $6 per person for food. Burgers, franks, salads and sodas are included. Any donations of extra food; eg: sausages, chips, desserts, etc.; would be greatly appreciated. The grill masters will be Vinny, Don, and your humble narrator. The officers will be keeping track of service to be sure distribution of food is appropriate. Thanks in advance for any / all assistance and cooperation in this event.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” If you don’t want to bring home your spare parts, feel free to toss them into the big bin! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

PHOTO ROSTER UPDATE: It’s time to update the BPMS photo roster and that includes each member’s phone number and e-mail address. A lot of club business happens via e-mail, so it’s helpful to know of any changes. We passed a roster around at the August meeting and will do so again in July. If you didn’t see the roster at the May meeting and won’t be at the July meeting, please send any changes to Hugh A at shuvlboy [at] msn [dot] com. If your picture was not in the first roster, see Hugh during a meeting to get your picture taken or send him a digital photo. Thanks.

RECOGNIZE THIS GUY? This is recently joined member Raymond W! Again, welcome!

The next meeting will be on

August 21st, 2009

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