Monday, August 15, 2016

Bulletin: August 2016

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

JULY was a big meeting despite being a summer meeting without the lure of hot food! We had 26 members and 2 guests who brought in 20 models.

July Meeting

BASIC SKILLS - SEAMS: Frank and your humble narrator discussed several methods of dealing with basic construction and, especially, seam filling when building models. Several members chimed in with their own methods, as well. Thanks, guys!

ISLAND HOPPING! THE WAR IN THE PACIFIC THEME CONTEST: This year will mark the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Gordon, Jeff and Ray K are sponsoring the December theme contest that will commemorate this solemn anniversary. You can find contest details HERE.

RAFFLE: We had a raffle with a nice assortment of prizes. We’ll probably keep this up for the foreseeable future.

On the agenda: AUGUST

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! Just be paid up to date on your dues and you can eat all you like. We ask members to please avoid bringing guests for this meeting.

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q16: The year is just moving along. It’s time for the third installment of the quarterly contest. This would be a good time to rack up some more votes for your annual totals. Remember, if you built something for the theme contest that has never been to a quarterly contest before, feel free to bring it back!

Our next meeting will be on August 19th 

Same time,
Same place!

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