Friday, February 10, 2017

BULLETIN: February 2017

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

The January meeting was an impressive way to kick off a new year with the BPMS. The weather was warm for January, so we had 25 members and two guests who brought in 30 models for display, and plenty up for sale. 

January Meeting 

NEW REGIME: Our new Prez Joe Bergman and Veep Bob Epley presided over a very organized meeting for their first time up at bat. Well done, gents! 

2017 Model Pledge: Looks like we got this working nicely now! Bring in an unbuilt model between January and APRIL 2017 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2017, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough! We already have about one third of the active members signed up. Won’t you join the fun? 

KIT SALE: I think we might’ve had one of the biggest kits sales in a long time. There were tons of kits finding new homes during the meeting. Well done! 

MAY MEETING CONFLICT: There will be an issue with our meeting place in May. We can have the BBSC any night EXCEPT our usual night. Please have a look at your schedule so we can choose a different night for that month. 

JUNE THEME: While the group was mulling over ideas for the June Theme contest, Vinny Rosati and your humble narrator swooped in to sponsor STAR WARS theme contest. We have had theme science fiction theme contests in the past, but never one this specific. More details HERE

TROPHY PACKAGE: The group voted to sponsor a trophy package for the LISMS show REPLICON 28, Saturday, March 25, 2017. More details HERE.

RAFFLE: We had another raffle with an impressive assortment of prizes. The club is always looking for donations for these activities. 

On the agenda: FEBRUARY 

CONTEST NIGHT: This is the first quarter of the BPMS Annual contest. Feel free to bring in any model that hasn’t already been in a quarterly contest, and you are encouraged to bring in your entries from the last theme contest! 

SHOW US YOUR TOOL: This vulgar sounding activity is more of a simple BPMS tradition. Once a year we ask members to come to the meeting prepared with a tool or method they like to use to make their model building life easier. It could be a new product, something you made yourself, or a different way of tackling a problem. It’s up to you. Please be prepared to tell the group a couple words about what you have. 

PHOTO ROSTER: It looks like Russ and Gordon are going to take a crack at this. Gordon will start taking pics of members at the next meeting.

Meeting date:
February 17, 2017

Same time,
Same place!

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