Monday, July 09, 2018


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

JUNE was a big meeting. The theme contest and BBQ had people showing up for sure!. We had 28 members and 2 guests who brought in 34 models, mostly for the theme contest. 

June Meeting

BBQ Night: What’s summertime without a BBQ? We held our annual BBQ and it went well. Thanks to all the guys who supplied the shindig and the gents who worked the grill. Great job!
The June 2018 Theme
World WAR II: 1946: The theme was finally upon us! All you needed to build was something that might’ve been used if the war continued. We had a lot of nice work on the tables, and the winners were as follows:
  • Gold: Peter Kilkenny Panzer VII
  • Silver: Frank Colucci Me-262 Recon
  • Bronze: Bobby Pokorny E-50
  • Joe Bergman At Rest & Looking
  • Don Illjes Me-262 H/G
  • Mark Mullen FW TA 183A
  • Ed Johnson F8F
  • Tom Govia V-1 Decoy
Special Awards:
  • What if you finished it? Ray Keegan, UFO
  • You have some imagination: Angelo Takos, Zero
  • What were they thinking? : Angelo Takos, Sd-Kfz 173
  • Heavy Weight: Russ Holcomb, T28
  • It came from space: Frank Colucci, V-2
  • Outrageous: Kevin Kilkenny, Blohm & Voss P-170
  • German beyond 1946: Tim Greeman, Panzer 1946
  • Axis beyond 1946: Kevin Kilkenny, Me109 2/3
  • USA beyond 1946: Israel Alvarado, P-80
  • Allies beyond 1946: Kosta Lukyanov, BC-6
  • Axis beyond 1946: Kevin Kilkenny, Me109 2/3 
The quality of the work was top notch which made as judges’ job very difficult. A special thanks all the members who built for the theme and thanks to Jeff Eng and Gordon Cheung for sponsoring a fun theme for the group to build for! 

RIVETS THEME CONTEST: With 1946 in the history books we can look forward to the December theme contest: RIVETS! Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb and Tom Knoll. 

Raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for July. 

On the agenda: JULY 
BASIC SKILLS – SEAM FILLING: One of the most basic skills in the hobby would be seam filling. However each of us has a different way to approach this challenge. Joe Barrett and your humble narrator will explore some of our favorite methods. If you have some ideas or pointers to add, feel free to do so! Perhaps prepare a couple words and join us!


Meeting Date:
July 20, 2018

Same time,
Same Place!

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