Friday, August 10, 2018


BPMS Bulletin
by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

JULY meeting brought out a healthy number of members despite being fine summer weather. We had 23 members and two guests who brought in 23 models.

July Meeting 

BASIC SKILLS – SEAM FILLING: One of the most basic skills in the hobby would be seam filling. However each of us has a different way to approach this challenge. Frank and your humble narrator discussed some of our favorite methods while being assisted by several members with additional ideas to contribute. 

RIVETS THEME CONTEST: With 1946 in the history books we can look forward to the December theme contest: RIVETS! Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb and Tom Knoll. 

Raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for August.

On the agenda: AUGUST 

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! Just be paid up to date on your dues and you can eat all you like. We ask members to please avoid bringing guests for this meeting. 

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q18: The year is just moving along. It’s time for the third installment of the quarterly contest. This would be a good time to rack up some more votes for your annual totals. Remember, if you built something for the theme contest that has never been to a quarterly contest before, feel free to bring it back! 

Meeting Date:
August 17, 2018

Same Time,
Same Place!

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