Tuesday, April 19, 2022

13 April, 2022: BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report

Eighteen people attended the meeting. 
The wait is over! The first in-person BPMS meeting since 2/28/2020 will be held on Friday 4/22/2022 at the John Malone Community Center, 2303 Bergen Ave, Brooklyn NY. Doors open around 6:30 pm. Meeting starts around 8 pm. For those who donated prizes for the "Randon Number Raffle", now's the time to bring them in. A review of old posts shows that we admitted two new members at the 2/28/20 meeting, Felix O. and Louis S. Unfortunately, we have no email address for either of them. If anybody can contact these guys, please tell them about the 4/22/22 meeting. Thanks.

We discussed and voted on changes to the Zoom meeting schedule. The final Thursday Zoom meeting will be 8pm on 4/21/22, the day before the in-person meeting. Invites to follow. Then, starting with 4/26/22, Zoom meetings will be every Tuesday at 7:30 pm, except for the week we have in person meetings. Simple, right? 

In industry news, Lou reports the long-awaited Tamiya 1/35 Hellcat is available. For in progress and completed work, we saw: Alfred E Neuman, Grandpa & Herman Munster, The Beatles (upgraded by Mark R) , T-90 A, T-72 , P-51 D (w aftermarket Chuck Yeager markings) , Winged Dragons (one metal, one plastic), USS Pittsburgh, RF-104 (will be Italian), F-84G (will be Taiwanese), and Panzer crewman (will be repainted). Tom felt good that everything he brought to sell at Mosquito Con was sold. Jimmy felt good, too, because he acquired some of it. Other people's acquisitions included: Brewster Buffalo and F-4 F. In the tool segment, we saw a homemade "light duty" ball vice/part holder that's way, way cheaper than anything on the market. It's a split wooden ball (2" works well) sitting in a pipe reducer. The workpiece can be mounted to the ball's flat surface by tape or pin/dowel or whatever works. Friction between the ball and the reducer is sufficient to hold it in place as you work. Thanks for sharing, Gil. Again, the final Thursday Zoom will be 4/21/33 at 8pm. Invites to follow. The in-person meeting is Friday, 4/22/22. No invites necessary. Happy Holidays to all.



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