Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 7, 2022 BPMS ZOOM Mini Meeting Report

Fourteen people attended the meeting. Big news, in person meetings will resume at the Community Center (2303 Bergen Avenue, Brooklyn 11234) on Friday April 22 at 6pm. Bobby will mail a flyer detailing our catch-up plans. If you donated items for the Random Number Raffle, remember to bring them to the meeting. If you won items in the Raffle, remember to claim them. In-person meetings won't end our Zoom meetings. Zoom let us reconnect with old friends and make new ones, so we'll keep having them in some fashion. Maybe on a different day, maybe once a month. Tell us what works for you. In other club business, we took an informal poll on shows which were primarily displays, where the only award is "Best of Show", as determined by the attendees. Some clubs do this routinely and they get a good turnout (vendors and seminars always attract a crowd). Many people liked the idea. Frank recalled we participated in a display in Pennsylvania (1997 - I checked). Will we do it again in 2023? 
Lou reports the following kits are available:1/48 OV-10A, B-26 K and Ju-88 Mistel from ICM, 1/72 Bearcat, 1/18 UH-1B Huey. 1/35 Commando Armored Car (w grenade launchers) from Hobby Boss and 1/35 Stug 3 G from MiniArt. 
We revisited the Autolock airbrush+compressor discussion Gil started last week. It's a double action brush. The needle is 0.3mm so the paint must be thinned. Gil had good results with inks and thinned acrylics. It has two pressure ranges, 12-15 psi and 20-27 psi. A fully charged battery lasts about an hour. It's quiet. It's reasonably priced. It's not the ultimate airbrush, but it's sure to come in handy. Others, like I Beautte and Spraygunner offer similar units. Look online.
We didn't see much work in progress but there were many acquisitions: T 90A & Tiger, Mig 29 T, P-51 Mustang, F-18 Hornet, Spitfire, He-111, 66 Chevy Nova, Ch47, Mig-15, Convair Nuclear Exploratory Vehicle, HH 3E Jolly Green Giant, AH-56 Cheyanne and lots of silver paint.
The featured topic was: re-issued kits, do you buy them and why? For some, re-issues are fond memories or opportunities to correct old mistakes. For others, it's the only kit available. And some just don't buy them. The next and, possibly, final Thursday meeting, is 7/14/22 at 8 pm. Invites to follow Hope to see you there. 

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