

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sponorship Acknowledged

From Hugh:
Our sponsorship of Best Ship is now ack’d on the club’s contest web site.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bulletin: September, 2010

by Bobby the Blue

August was a good month. We had 23 members and one guest who brought in 21 models. Pizza night bring the members out of the woodwork!

August Meeting
PIZZA NIGHT: How many did you eat? We had some missing members so there was more than enough to go around, even with ME being present! There’s nothing like Brooklyn pizza!

CONTEST NIGHT 3Q10: We had a nice showing of great work for the contest. The next and FINAL contest night will be in NOVEMBER.

NEW MEMBER: Did you see the big gun in the table? That was scratch-built by our newest member Jimmy Baumert. Some great work! Welcome to the fold!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: September
SWAP NIGHT: Pretty self-explanatory – bring in models to swap or sell. It’s usually a good idea to bring some cash. You never know what might be up for sale and there’s no tab at this bar!

HELL(ER) OF A THEME NIGHT: Hugh had this idea for a HELLER theme night. It’s not a contest, just a night to bring in and display your Heller Models. Completed would be a preference, but if you have some remarkable Heller kit you’d like to show still in the box, hey, why not? Have fun with it!

MODEL PLEDGE: Confused? That’s okay. Just bring in your completed model pledge on or before the November meeting in order to qualify for the extra Super Raffle tickets. It’s that easy! Be sure to let Jeff or me know that you DID bring it in, okay? Thanks!

Our next meeting will be on September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Spitfires and a Lancaster

From Russ:
In case you're interested, there will be an airshow at the American Airpower Museum at Republic Airport. For the Battle of Britan anniversary, they will have Spitfires and a Lancaster. More details at www.americanairpowermuseum.org