

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Bulletin: December 2015

BPMS Bulletin 
by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

November was an excellent meeting. We had 26 members and zero guests who brought in 28 models, most of which were the contest. 

November Meeting 

Contest Night – 4Q15: This was the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest. Now it’s my turn to crunch the numbers and see who we voted for in 2015.  

     Contest entries

Super Raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. Thanks to everyone who made donations! Joe Bergman and Ed Johnson each had in the mid thirties this year, about 1/3 of the tickets! Joe challenged the group to hit 300 tixx in 2016. Let’s do it!

The group listening for the raffle numbers. 

Goodies up for grabs in the super raffle. 

HOLIDAY LUNCHEON: At the time I am POSTING this has yet to occur, but historically it’s always been a blast. Saturday afternoon, December 5th, @ 1 PM. 

3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11234 

On the agenda: DECEMBER 

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: It’s finally upon us! The final theme contest of 2015! Find details HERE.

HOLIDAY DESSERTS: ‘Tis the season! Why not close out the year with your BPMS buddies and some tasty treats? You are cordially invited to bring some sort of dessert or snack or treat to this meeting. Thanks in advance!

DECEMBER 11, 2015
DECEMBER 11, 2015
DECEMBER 11, 2015
DECEMBER 11, 2015

Same time,
Same Place

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Important Dates in December

HOLIDAY DINNER: We are looking at Nora’s again, Saturday afternoon, December 5th, @ 1 PM. More details (eg: price) at the meeting. If you plan on coming but will NOT be attending the November meeting, PLEASE contact the officers!  

3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11234 

CHANGE OF MEETING DATE: The NKOTB Theme Contest and Holiday Desserts will occur during the December meeting.  However, the BBSC is being used on our regular meeting night so we got pushed up by a week. 

Meeting date: 
December 11
December 11
December 11
December 11

Friday, November 06, 2015

Bulletin: November 2015

by t3h bax0jayz
October was a relatively full meeting. We had 21 members and zero guests who brought in 14 models, most of which were Pledges. 

October Meeting 

NOMINATIONS: Fuhgettabouttit! These guys have only put in once year so far. We just went through the motions and nabbed them for another year.

2015 MODEL PLEDGE: April was the deadline. Last month we saw the work. We had a nice selection of completed pledges on the table and we were told a few words on each. There. Those members earned an extra Super Raffle tickets for their efforts!

HOLIDAY DINNER: We are looking at Nora’s again, Saturday afternoon, December 5th, @ 1 PM. More details (eg: price) at the meeting. If you plan on coming but will NOT be attending the November meeting, PLEASE contact the officers!  

3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11234 

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: The next theme contest has been announced! Find details HERE.

RAFFLE: We had a kit sale and a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for the foreseeable future.

On the agenda: NOVEMBER 

CONTEST NIGHT – 4th QTR 2015: This is the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest so it is your last chance to try to rack up some votes for 2015. Pledge models are welcome as well as anything you haven’t already entered into a contest previously.

SUPER RAFFLE: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you get an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. You cannot buy tickets for this raffle. You must earn them! The more you built, the more tixx you get. We’ve been buying items for the Super Raffle all year, but if you would like to donate anything, feel free to do so! Who built the most in 2015? I’ll announce the name at the meeting.

Meeting date:
November 20, 2015

Same Time,
Same Place!

Your humble narrator was playing with a fish-eye lens on his phone at the last meeting...

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

IPMS Region News

From the email:
Marketing Committee forming
Greetings Plastic Fans and welcome to another installment of my useless blather.

We are well into our fall show season ArmorCon is in the books and though the vendor room was missing several of our usual vendors owing to family commitments, the show was quite a success.
  • HVHMG in Poughkeepsie is this coming Saturday 10/17
  • GraniteCon in Nashua, NH is 10/18
  • SyrCon in Syracuse, NY is also 10/18
  • BayCon in Smithfield, RI is 11/1
  • LIARS in Freeport, NY is 11/14
Re-Charter will be starting soon.

The following is from the National Office.

IPMS is forming a Marketing Committee to help with promoting the society and events at the National and Chapter levels. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Don Schmitz by email at marketing@ipmsusa.org for more information.

See you at the shows.

Happy Modeling,


Friday, October 09, 2015

BPMS Bulletin: October 2015

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

We had a busy and cluttered meeting, as the facility is doing work inside. We had 19 members and 1 guest who brought in a total of 15 models.

September Meeting

aftermarket accessories: Jimmy, Gordon and Joe came prepared with an assortment of aftermarket parts and discussed everything from what manner of subjects you can find, to how to acquire the products and how to use them. Certainly a very educational night!

NEW MEMBER: Pano Daginis brought in a WIP and came to the required number of meetings so we voted him in. Welcome to the fold!

HOLIDAY DINNER: We started the discussion. At this point we are looking at Nora’s again, Saturday afternoon, December  5th. Save the date.

HVHMG: Don’t forget, Tim’s group will be having its annual show on October 17. See HVHMG.org for details.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: The next theme contest has been announced! Find details on the final page of this Bulletin.

raffle: We had a kit sale and a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for the foreseeable future.

On the agenda: OCTOBER

2015 Model Pledge: April was the deadline. Now let’s see the work. Please have it finished for the OCTOBER 2015 meeting, and perhaps a few words on the build. You may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge!

Super Raffle: November is the Super Raffle. You get one ticket per new model plus five bonus if you complete your pledge. If you’d like to donate tools, supplies, kits, anything feel free to bring goodies in for the NOVEMBER meeting. Thanks in advance.

Nominations: Fuhgettabouttit! These guys have only put in once year so far. We’ll just be going through the motions.

TROOP SUPPORT: Jimmy Tissot is the Wounded Warrior Project liaison. He’s gotten reports regarding what models and supplies would be most useful. He was advised of a hub to ship to closer to home, so that’s good. As always, donations of any models and supplies are welcome.

PHOTO ROSTER: Hugh can provide the files and write up the process I use in PowerPoint and PhotoManager to put the pages together. Can anyone take this job over? Hello? Anyone? Contact Bobby or Jeff at the meeting.

* * *
You can find meeting pics either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 16, 2015
Same time,
Same place!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Bulletin: September 2015

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

We had a generally light August meeting. We had 20 members and 1 guest who brought in a total of 11 models for the quarterly contest.

August Meeting

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q15: Since the meeting was oddly light for pizza night, it directly impacted the contest turnout. If you were one of those members who took advantage of the August contest, you had a great chance at collecting some extra votes!

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! The group made quick work of a dozen Brooklyn-style pies. Your humble narrator broke a personal best (or worst, depending on your perspective) by consuming nearly NINE slices. Good times!

IPMS NATIONALS: Russ provided us with a report of the IPMS Nationals which took place only weeks earlier.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: The next theme contest has been announced! Find details on the final page of this Bulletin.

raffle: We had a kit sale and a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for the foreseeable future.

On the agenda: SEPTEMBER

aftermarket accessories: We all like to customize our models. Many of us even buy the accessories and conversions but never use them due to a basic fear of the challenge. Our esteemed panel, Gordon, Jimmy and Joe, will discuss the finer points of using photo-etched, resin, vinyl and other aftermarket parts on your models.

HOLIDAY DINNER: We will start the discussion. At this point we are probably looking at Nora’s again, for  a Saturday afternoon in early December.  The 5th or the 12th being likely candidates.

2015 Model Pledge: April was the deadline. Now get to work! Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2015, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

Meeting Date: 
September 18, 2015
Same time,
Same place!

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Ray Keegan's mother passed away

The wake will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2015.

Hours 2 to 5pm and 7 to 9 pm.

Byrnes Funeral Home
2834 Gerritsen Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 743-1099

Corner of Gerritsen Ave. and Whitney Ave

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Russ H at the IPMS 2015 Nationals

Russ H was at the IPMS USA 2015 National Convention and took a ton of photos to share. You can view these photos from the following link:

Over 560 photos. Thanks Russ!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bulletin: 08/2015

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

We had another good turn-out for the July meeting. We had 20 members and no guests who brought in a total of 12 models.

July Meeting

BASIC SKILLS - AIRBRUSHING: Prez Gordon and Frank hosted a clinic on airbrushing with a couple of other members chiming in with tips and hints. Very educational. 

WRITING A WILL: Your humble narrator gave the group a crash course on getting a simple will done. No one wants to think about these things, but we should. Template HERE

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: The next theme contest has been announced! Find details on the final page of this Bulletin.

raffle: We had a kit sale and a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for July.

The July display

On the agenda: AUGUST

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! Just be paid up to date on your dues and you can eat all you like. We ask members to please avoid bringing guests for this meeting.

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q15: The year is just moving along. It’s time for the third installment of the quarterly contest. This would be a good time to rack up some more votes for your annual totals. Remember, if you built something for the theme contest that has never been to a quarterly contest before, feel free to bring it back!

2015 Model Pledge: April was the deadline. Now get to work! Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2015, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

TROOP SUPPORT: Jimmy Tissot is the Wounded Warrior Project liaison. He’s gotten reports regarding what models and supplies would be most useful. He was advised of a hub to ship to closer to home, so that’s good. As always, donations of any models and supplies are welcome.

PHOTO ROSTER: Hugh can provide the files and write up the process I use in PowerPoint and PhotoManager to put the pages together. Can anyone take this job over? Hello? Anyone? Contact Bobby or Jeff at the meeting.

* * *

You can find meeting pics at the Photo-Blog: 

Meeting Date:
August 21, 2015

Same Time,
Same Place!

See you at the BBSC!

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Hobby giant, Shep Paine, passed away.

From his facebook page:
Howard Sheperd Paine, who for six decades tirelessly worked to spread the popularity of the art miniatures worldwide, died on Saturday, August 1. An extraordinary artist, prolific author, widely respected military historian, and renowned collector of military artifacts, he was 69 years old.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Since 1971!

Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society
Since 1971!
In 1971 a group of guys from a local hobby shop decided to start meeting together for their shared interest in models. By May 1973 they were more formally known as THE BROOKLYN PLASTIC MODELERS SOCIETY
The Brooklyn Plastic Modeler Society is one of the oldest local chapters of the International Plastic Modelers Society and resides in Kings County (Brooklyn), New York. Since our inception we've been bringing a diverse group of modelers with varied tastes together for monthly gathering to discuss the hobby and display our latest works.
Some notable moments in BPMS history include our involvement in bringing the Aircraft Carrier INTREPID to NYC as well as many displays on-board over the years; in October of 1975 we hosted the Big Apple Con and Noreastcon 6 in May, 1977; as well as displays for many events and make-and-takes over the years. 
We've also been supporters of Speicher Model Group overseas as well as Wounded Warriors closer to home.

We currently reside in the Bergen Beach Sports Complex and meet on the third friday of each month.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Bulletin: July 2015


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

We had a good sized group for the first theme contest of 2015. We had 20 members and one guest who brought in a total of 27 models, 21 of which were for the theme contest.

June Meeting

Modeling with the stars: It’s finally happened and we couldn’t have been happier with the turn-out! With so many models in the theme contest, we really had our work cut out for us!

The Winners:
1st:         Bob Epley, JS-2
2nd:       Joe Bergman, Lunar Module
3rd:       Ray Keegan, Battlestar Galactica
HM:     Kosta Lukyanov, Catalina
              Ed Johnson, Stalins
Special Awards:
FALLING STAR: Joe Bergman – Dr. Strangelove
            Joe Bergman - American Paratrooper
STARRY NIGHT: Bob Epley – ’53 Studebaker
FILM STAR: Ray Keegan – B-24
SHOOTING STAR: Jimmy Tissot – Stalin Tank

The quality of the entries was spectacular and I can honestly tell you that on behalf of the sponsors, we were overjoyed to see it! Thanks to the members who took the time to build for our contest, and thank you to the sponsors for another fun theme to build for!

BBQ NIGHT: The summer means BBQ time at the BPMS. The price for the supplies went up so we had to up the charge to $7 per person. Good food and good friends means we ALL had a great time!  

SUMMER LUNCHEON: We tried to pound out details for a summer luncheon similar to what we have for the year end. However, we've been speaking with some members and it seems the general consensus is that the summer luncheon that we were tentatively setting for the day after the July meeting may have been too rushed and lacked serious planning. As a result we only had a list of a dozen members and there were several maybe's on it.

We think that we should cancel it for July 18, and hold additional discussions at the upcoming meeting. Perhaps aim for the end of August or the beginning of September. Worst case scenario, we pass this year, but use it as a learning experience for next year, start the planning a bit sooner. If you think about it, we start Christmas discussions in September, usually.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: The next theme contest has been announced! Find details HERE.

avenel hobbies: There are fewer and fewer hobby shops around and it’s a shame to hear about one of the last local stores closing up shop.

raffle: We had a kit sale and a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for July.

On the agenda: JULY

BASIC SKILLS - AIRBRUSHING: We haven’t had a basic skills clinic in a while. President Gordon and Jimmy T. will host a discussion on AIRBRUSHING. If you want to join in, feel free to bring in equipment, supplies, or just be prepared to say a couple words on the topic.

WRITING A WILL: Every so often this topic comes up. Your humble narrator will have a couple words and a template for the members on the subject. 

July Meeting:  July 17, 2015
Same time,
Same place!

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

July 18 Luncheon Postponed

We've been speaking with some members and it seems the general consensus is that the summer luncheon that we were tentatively setting for the day after the July meeting may have been too rushed and lacked serious planning. As a result we only had a list of a dozen members and there were several maybe's on it.

We think that we should cancel it for July 18, and hold additional discussions at the upcoming meeting. Perhaps aim for the end of August or the beginning of September. Worse case scenario, we pass this year, but use it as a learning experience for next year, start the planning a bit sooner. If you think about it, we start Christmas discussions in September, usually.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The New Kids on the Block Theme Contest

The New Kids on the Block
Theme Contest 

December 18, 2015
Tired of Hasegawa and their same old kits that they reissue with new decals and call the kit, 'NEW'?
Tired of buying that new Revell kit, only to find out it’s a re-box of a Matchbox or Italeri kit? 
Tired of the lack of new kits from the older model companies? 

Well, we may have a solution to your troubles; try a model kit from the "New Kids on the Block." The theme contest will have you build a model from a company that is less than 15 years old in the model kit business. There are a lot of new companies out there producing great kits and you know you have some! Simply build one of those kits for the contest. 

Model Companies: 
Takom, Riich Models, Meng Models, Kitty Hawk, Panda Hobby, Kinetyic Models, Hobby Boss, Zoukei-Mura, Great Wall Hobby, Master Box, Mini Art, Gallery Models, AMK Models, Bravo 6, Bronco Models, Blackdog, Platz Models, DEF Models, Pegasus Hobbies, Moebius Models, Merit, Polar Lights, HK Models, Orochi, Wingman Models, and so on…. 

Easy enough to build for. Feel free to direct any queries to the officers or sponsors. 

Contest Sponsors:
  • Jeff Eng
  • Ed Johnson
  • Jimmy Tissot
  • Kamilla Lukyanova

Friday, June 19, 2015

Modeling With the Stars! Theme Contest, June 19, 2015

With The 

We haven’t had an open type of theme contest like this in a while. For June we are asking you to build something with STARS in mind.

Build anything that can be tied to stars in any way. Use your imagination!

Some Examples:
·        Polaris Missile: Polaris / The North Star
·        A sheriff’s car, with a star on it.
·        A figure of a general (with his stars visible)
·        A tank or aircraft with a star on it, Russian, Chinese, American, Israeli, etc.
·        Something with STAR in the name (eg. F-104 Starfighter, L1011 TriStar)
·        Remember, a group of stars is a Constellation. (Lockheed Orion, Constellation, etc.)

Some Exceptions:
·        Star Wars / Star Trek: unless the person or craft precisely has star in the name, it won’t qualify. (A TIE fighter won’t qualify, but the Death STAR or Star Destroyers will. The United Space Ship Enterprise will not qualify)
·        Battlestar Galactica: BattleSTARS and Base STARS will qualify, but Vipers and Raiders won’t.
·        Stargate: only if you build the stargate.

There should be a star on it, or in the name. Easy enough! Any questions, ask the sponsors.

We’re also planning some special awards for this one.

Theme Sponsors:
·        Frank Colucci
·        Russ Holcomb
·        Bobby Pokorny
·        Kamila Lukyanova

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bulletin: June 2015

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

Attendance was off in May. We only had 17 members and one guest who brought in a total of a dozen models for a light contest night. 


LOSS OF A MEMBER: After months of inquiry regarding long-time member JOHN MAGNO, Ray Whitton visited his home and was able to confirm our greatest fears. JOHN MAGNO passed away during August, 2014. 

CONTEST NIGHT-2Q15: If you brought in a model for the contest, you did well! With only 17 models on the table, it was a good night to rack up votes. 

PARTS BOX: We all have a box of spare parts. Feel free to bring in yours to share with the group. Something you may not ever use could be gold to another member! 

RAFFLE: We had a kit sale in May instead of a raffle. Depending upon various factors, it can go either way for June. 

On the agenda: JUNE 

MODELING WITH THE STARS: It’s finally here! The STARS Theme Contest is upon us and the awards will be fabulous! More details on the final page. 

BBQ NIGHT: The summer means BBQ time at the BPMS. We’ll provide the usual: burgers, hot dogs, fixin’s, and soft drinks. $6 lets you in on the fun! If you want to donate anything additional, feel free to do so!

2015 Model Pledge: April was the deadline. Now get to work! Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2015, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough! 

TROOP SUPPORT: Jimmy Tissot is the Wounded Warrior Project liaison. He’s gotten reports regarding what models and supplies would be most useful. He was advised of a hub to ship to closer to home, so that’s good. As always, donations of any models and supplies are welcome. 

Future Themes: We chose a theme for June, MODELING WITH THE STARS, details on the final page of the Bulletin. We were trying to iron out the December theme as well. One idea we had from Joe and Russ was called BPMS Roulette. Each member who wants to participate would be required to bring in a model to throw in. You will get some other model. It will automatically become your 2015 Model Pledge, and you only have to get it most of the way along by October to get the pledge bonus of FIVE super raffle tickets. Then finish it off by December for the contest. The other idea was from Jeff and Jimmy, European Tour Eastern Front, starting from the Battle of Stalingrad until the end of the war. Basically the other side of the war that we just had a theme for, but very timely, as 2015 marks 70 years since the end. We’ll discuss this more at the next meeting. Another concept that was brought up was New Kid On the Block. Everyone has been getting kits from the new manufacturers, but is anyone building them? This theme is all about building a model from a young company. I also heard from Hugh who is interested in sponsoring a theme in absentia called Things That Aren't There, eg: A plane lost in the Bermuda triangle, the headless horseman, the House of Representatives on a Friday…

Meeting Date: June 19, 2015
Same time, 
Same place!