
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Friday, April 24, 2020

04/24/2020 Meeting Report

We held two back to back sessions last night. Thirteen people participated, some for all of session 1 and 2, some for part of 1 or 2. We'll be going back to scheduling one meeting from now on. If a meeting looks like it should be longer, I'll schedule it on the fly and send invites. We saw works in progress and new purchases (Can you have too many kits? Be honest now.) and had discussions on casting parts and the apparent demise of Wingnut Wings. Invites to follow.


Editor's Note: 
If you don't think you have a "proper set-up"  to get on the Zoom Meetings, this is the rig your humble narrator is using.

An old ZTE ZMax Z982 cell phone using Android 7.1.1 attached to a spotlight with rubber-bands got the job done! 


Saturday, April 18, 2020

BPMS Mini Meeting on Thursday, 4/23/20

Trying something new, two back to back sessions with a brief intermission in-between. Invites are based on 40 minutes per session. If Zoom ends the session earlier, the intermission will be longer. We'll see what happens. One other thing, when you sign in, use the name associated with the email address you gave to BPMS. I don't want to admit people who weren't invited. Stay safe, see you Thursday. Please contact us directly to be added to the email list.


Friday, April 17, 2020

4/16/2020 mini meeting report

We had 19 people attend last night's meeting, including modelers from Alabama and Texas (I'm reasonably certain the guys on the beach and in outer space were really in the outer boroughs). With 19 people, it's not really a "mini meeting". From now on it'll be the "Thursday meeting". A lot of work was shown : figures, armor, sci fi, auto, aircraft and a wood ship. Everyone would like better images of those models. If you showed something last night, please put some photos on the "What are you working on?" email string. If you didn't show anything or you missed the meeting, put photos on the string as well. Zoom enforced the 40 minute time limit last night and we didn't get to do any Q&A. Next time. Until then stay safe. 


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Meeting Update

Governor Cuomo extended the NYS PAUSE through May 14. That means that the BPMS Meeting for May isn't very likely. 

With meeting cancellations, we are planning the following changes in meeting events and activities.
  • The BPMS BULLETIN is suspended. 
  • AURORA THEME CONTEST will be rescheduled from JUNE to DECEMBER.
  • BBQ Night in June will be cancelled. 
  • We are Expecting to hold the August Meeting including PIZZA NIGHT same as always. 
Other changes will be announced once things start opening up in NYS/NYC again. Stay tuned and keep in touch with other members for the latest BPMS information!

Thank you for your patience and understanding through these times.

~Bobby Pokorny

Our Brooklyn Local 3D Printer

A good cause!

 Amazon.com: AmazonBasics PETG 3D Printer Filament, 1.75mm, 5 ...
In Need Of Material For Face Shield

Hello everyone we are in need of help to raise funds to produce printed face shields and face masks for local hospitals in NYC, NJ, CT, PA and Canada more as time goes on. Funds will help me to set up more printers and stock up on petg and pla materials as well as laser cut clear sheets of plastic for shields for the face shields. Updates will be posted. Thank you all for the help so we can help the nurses fight and be protected against the corona virus, God bless you all. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

4/9/20 mini meeting report

Fourteen people signed in to the meeting including two unfamiliar names who were removed after "failure to communicate" (quick quiz -what movie was that from?) their identity. If you were one of those people, sorry. Even with a dozen people, the meeting went smoothly. Several Aurora themed builds and other projects were shown and there was a good discussion on portable spray booths. We guessed the next in person meeting would be in July, but who knows? Until then the Thursday Mini Meetings will continue. Invitation below. See you then. Stay safe.

~Russell H


Topic: BPMS mini meeting
Time: Apr 16, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Friday, April 03, 2020

4/3/20 Mini Meeting report

Since we are shut down, for the time being, due to the COVID19 Russ took the bull by the horns and set up a virtual meeting via zoom:
We had our first virtual meeting last night. Eight people signed in, seven video & audio, one audio only. At least one other person was unable to join despite repeated attempts. Talked about quarantine conditions in our neighborhoods, works in progress and on line purchases / deliveries, among other things. We'll do it again next Thursday at 8pm. See you then. Stay safe. ​
Check your email, the FB page, or the blog (right here) for the link as we get closer.