

Sunday, October 30, 2022

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: 10/25/22 / featured topic: reviews

Reviews, they're everywhere these days. Do you read them? Do they influence your purchases? Which reviewer do you trust?

Thirteen people attended the meeting. Lou reported two new releases from Trumpeter: 1/48 M-14 Hound and 1/700 Gneisnau. Mark shared photos of the 10/22/22 Poughkeepsie show, where Joe won Gold for his Milicent Patrick figure. Hopefully we'll see Milicent at the November meeting. Kevin shared photos of the NAS Wildwood Aviation Museum in Rio Grande, NJ (at the Cape May Airport). Aircraft of different eras are on display. Some are under restoration. It's not parked in the Gift Shop but Kevin heard their restored Corsair is for sale, only $3 Million. Iin progress and completed work included: F-7 U3 Cutlass, Lysander, downsized Minister of Silly Walks figure, GT-40, SU-76, Su-27 Flanker, An-74, '66 Buick Wildcat, Soviet Aerosan (Kosta translated the markings for Mr. K), Lacrosse Mobile launcher and female magician figure. Acquisitions included: FW 1000, Razorcrest spacecraft (in a larger scale) and Marilyn Monroe in Korea figure. The tool the week was a Cylindrical Surface Sander from Dspiae. It's like a Flex-I-file, but with a handle and able to hold any abrasive strip you choose. The featured topic was reviews. The general feeling was that they come in handy, pointing out problems and errors so you know what you're getting into. In box reviews are nice nut full build reviews are more valuable. Mark will be doing a full-built review of Takom's floating drydock. We're not certain where or when it will appear. However, we are certain that our next meeting is Tuesday 11/1/22 at 7:30. Invites to follow. Happy Halloween. 


Friday, October 14, 2022

October 11, 2022 BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting

Eleven people attended the meeting. Some are still having difficulty logging in. Keep trying. 
The BPMS 50th Anniversary luncheon is this Sunday, 10/16/22, 1pm at Buckley's 2629 Avenue S, Brooklyn. Use the Avenue S entrance. Bring cash and avoid the credit card surcharge. Bring a model,  photos or BPMS memorabilia for the display table. 
We meet in person on Friday, 10/21/22 so there's no Tuesday Zoom next week. The Hudson Valley show is Saturday, 10/22/22 in Poughkeepsie. 
Lou reports two releases from Academy, 1/72 F 104C (Vietnam) and 1/35 Pz 4 H (late). Mark shared photos of the Warhawk Museum in Nampa, Idaho, which led to a conversation on aircraft bungee cord suspension systems. 
In progress and completed work included: Hobbycraft F-7 U3 Cutlass (Vaughn says it's a challenging kit. Russ agrees),  Su-76 M, H6K5/23 Flying Boat (Mark had glue damage, Frank suggested a repair with Mr. Surfacer), Davy Jones bust, Minister of Silly Walks figure (Kevin created the clay sculpture from scratch), An-74, MiG 15 UTI and Soviet Aerosan. Acquisitions included: Dakota Mk 3, IL-2 Sturmovik, SAAB Lx ( rough kit from Unicraft ) and WW Toons Tiger 1. The featured topic was model shows. Some attend as many as possible, some go when time permits, some just sort of stopped going. Competitions can produce both really good models and really bad behavior from modelers who don't win an award. Everyone appreciated the vendors, even if they didn't really need another kit, book or tool (tip - have a shopping list when you visit the vendors' room). Old shows and venues were recalled and current ones were critiqued (Hudson Valley got a good review).
See you at Buckley's on the 16th or the Community Center on the 21st or the Hudson Valley show on the 22nd. Just show up, no invites needed.

BPMS Bulletin: October 2022

BPMS Bulletin

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

September meeting was action packed! We had 28 members and one guest who brought in 21 models for the final meeting of the summer of 2022.

September Meeting

MEETING CHANGES: We had a couple of changes during the meeting. We started earlier, around 7:30 PM to make sure we were able to get all our activities done in time. Gordon also got a feed to work on Facebook. We will be refining both of these in the coming months.

NEW MEMBER: Chi Wang has been visiting the club for years, but now that he’s a NY resident again, it was time to vote him in! Welcome to the fold!

SPEED PAINTING: Kevin K. and your humble narrator demonstrated how to use Speed Paints by ARMY PAINTER. The verdict, it can really save time when building smaller figures. It must be a good idea because rival companies have announced competing products!

SWAP NIGHT: Members brought in all sorts of goodies to swap and sell.

BPMS SHIRTS: The shirts arrived and Gordon handed them out! Thanks!

DECEMBER THEME CONTEST: With the year speeding by we can look forward to the December theme contest: The Golden Age of AURORA Models. Find contest details on the final page of this Bulletin. Sponsored by Joe B and Kevin K. . 

Raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for October. The club is always looking for donations for these activities.

Photo-phone list:
Gordon started taking photos of the group for the photo-phone list. If he didn’t take your photo at the last meeting, please see him at the next meeting.

WEEKLY ZOOM: Even though we are back to having regular meetings, the weekly ZOOM will continue! New day and time: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Every week EXCEPT for weeks with an in-person meeting.

On the agenda: OCTOBER

NOMINATIONS: Prez Tom and Veep Tom have had an unusual term. Maybe we should ask them to sit in for a NORMAL year?

2019-22 Model Pledge: 2019-22 declaration period is now CLOSED! You already showed me something unbuilt. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2022, for a display. Also, be ready to tell the group a couple words on your build. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

SUPER RAFFLE: The Super Raffle is in November, but you might want to start looking through your stacks for items you may want to donate. Thanks in advance!

BPMS 50th Anniversary: By the time of the next in-house meeting the 50th Anniversary celebration will have been in the book. However, we should be getting this Bulletin out ahead, so here’s a reminder:

Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Buckley’s Restaurant & Caterers
2926 Avenue S, Brooklyn, NY 11229

We have the room for four hours. Guests are welcome. Enter from the Ave S side, Tentative Price: $75 per person.

October Meeting Date:

October 21, 2022

Business will be starting at 7:30 PM

At the BBSC

See you there!


Friday, October 07, 2022

October 4, 2022 BPMS Zoom Meeting

Eleven people attended the meeting. The 50th Anniversary luncheon is Sunday, Oct 16 at 1 pm at Buckley's. Hope to see you there.
Lou reports a new book from Squadron on the F-4 (BTW, Squadron is mailing hard copies of their catalog again) and Tamiya's F-35 A is available. Jimmy also mentioned several new releases, which he's posted on the club's Facebook page. 
IPMS judging rules were briefly discussed. Costa shared photos of the training ship Danmark and Russ shared photos of from the Minnesota Marine Art, Dahl Automobile, National WW2 and Confederate Memorial Hall Museums and he Vicksburg National Park. 
In progress and completed work included: Davy Jones bust, GR7A/GR9A Harrier, TIE Interceptor, large and small robots (ask Julio for details) and Galaxy Quest's Protector (Gil is adding lights). Acquisitions included: Marlon Brando bust (from On the Waterfront), Pathfinder (from For All Mankind) and F 86 F-40. The tool of the week was a "diagonal stylus", similar to the Leroy Lettering Set pen shown at an earlier meeting. The advantage of this pen is price, under $10 on AliExpress. On the old kit/new kit question, everyone agrees newer kits (usually) are better engineered and fit better but higher prices make builders and wholesalers pause. Some people buy new kits to support new makers. Some like older kits because they were designed as fun builds (who can resist folding wings and droppable bombs?) Frank said that new tools and products enabled him to save several kits from the shelf of doom. Then someone asked "How many can you build?" Fortunately, the meeting ended and the question went unanswered. 
Next meeting is Tuesday 10/11/22 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Have a happy Columbus Day weekend. 