
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Friday, November 22, 2024

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: 11/19/24

Twelve people attended. Bobby wasn't one of them, so the "Jimmy and Frank" tag team moderated the meeting. Nicely done, guys. Two people we haven't seen in a while, Alysia and Glen, joined us. Hopefully we'll see them more often. The holiday lunch is Saturday, 12/14/24. $40.00. If you haven't signed up yet, contact Chuck or Jeff to make arrangements.

Mark's group visit to see a C-47 that participated in D Day is Saturday, the 23rd. Thanks for making this happen, Mark. We expect to see photos at some future Zoom meeting(s)?

Lou reports Hobby Boss's 1/48 F4U-4, B-24D and Me 109 E3 are available.

Frank surprised everyone by asking about Forces of Valor tanks on sale at Squadron and Glen asked about where to get kits, now that there are fewer hobby stores. You can help him out by listing stores you know in the NYC area and hitting "reply all".

In progress and completed work included: Mirage, B-17, Sherman Jumbo, T-34/76 early, Ar-234 and F-16 I.

A Fiat G55 was the only acquisition.

Gil, a devoted fan of Mr. Color Leveling Thinner, found a similar product, Hobby Mio Lacquer Thinner. It comes in a bigger bottle, costs less and performs well.

"The one that got away" turned out to be a rich topic. Frank is still looking for the 1/144 F4-J Phantom 2 by Platz. Vaughan wants a Mirage F-1. Erasmo was looking for Plasticart's Tu- 114, and Russ has one he'll never build. Alyssa finally got the 1/48 vac form Vulcan she wanted only to find it's very, very big. Gil is happier not knowing what's out there. Well, that's what he says. 

Next meeting is Tuesday, the 26th, at 7:30 pm invites to follow. Hope to see you there. 


Friday, November 15, 2024

Important Notice About Manual Credit Card Transactions



Due to privacy regulations on credit card data, IPMS/USA cannot accept credit card payments over the phone, by mail, or via email or text message. We want your data to remain private and safe, so we can only use payment processes that are encrypted and don’t share card data with us. 

You can make any payments to IPMS/USA in the following ways:

1. Pay online at http://myipmsusa.org when paying for memberships, convention registrations, or other items from the myipmsusa.org website.

2. Pay using your PayPal account at PayPal.com. Make your payment to Treasurer@ipmsusa.org and include what it is for in the comments section.

3. Pay by mailing a check to IPMS/USA, PO BOX 1411, Riverview FL 33568-1411 noting what the payment is for.

Please DO NOT send your credit card number or other credit card information via email. US mail, text or voice mail to IPMS/USA. We will have to delete or destroy the information immediately upon receipt, and we are not able to process the transaction.

Thank you for helping to protect your privacy!

Happy modeling,


Mike Oberholtzer
Treasurer, IPMS/USA

Friday, November 08, 2024

11/5/24 Zoom Meeting Report


Fifteen people attended. No Tuesday Zoom next week, the in-person meeting is Friday, the 15th, at the Community Center. Super Raffle and quarterly contest, who could ask for more? See the Bulletin for other BPMS news.
Lou reports Border Model's 1/35 M4 A1 mid production Sherman and Pz 3 (w schurzen), Magic Factory's 1/35 F4 U A1 (w folding wings), 1/700 USS Ford  (w clear deck) and Takom's 1/350 US Harbor Tug (modern) are available. 
The Freeport Recreation Center will host the LIARS (car) show on Nov 9 and the LIMCS (figure) show on Nov 16.
Mr. K praised decal company MicroScale's customer service. After ordering similar markings in different scales, they contacted him to confirm the order was correct. 
Mark shared photos from a recent trip to Idaho, including a Warbird fly-in and several of the aircraft on exhibit at the Warhawk Air Museum in Boise. Erasmo shared photos from the Udvar Hazy Center in Fairfax, VA,  the British Columbia Aviation Museum in Victoria, the US Naval Undersea Museum in Keyport, WA and an actual Mirage F-1 that he worked on.
In progress and completed work included: Mirage, P-47, Subaru Impreza, Wildcat, Orbital Rocket, English Knight, Ki-43 Oscar, '66 Mercury, Piasecki air jeep (two, actually) and F-16 I. Acquisitions included: Piper Pa-25, Saturday Morning (diorama? vignette? from Escape Hatch Hobbies) and Flash Gordon's SkyFlash rocket. 
A scaled down tool box from Harbour Freight was this week's tool. A good way to protect and organize your tools. Of course, your tools have to be the right size for the box, or vice versa. 
We heard about various ways to achieve a gunmetal finish. Some use Vallejo gunmetal grey, or Vallejo duraluminium with dark washes, or gunmetal from True Color, True North,  Model Master and Apple Barrel. Some drybrush medium grey over a flat or semi-gloss black base or rub graphite over a NATO black base coat. Alclad has a good gunmetal, but it must be airbrushed. Pastels over a semi-gloss black base is another option. Feel free to add any gunmetal tips we may have missed.
Russ H. 

Sunday, November 03, 2024

BPMS ZOOM Mini Meeting - 11/05/2024

Part 1 starts promptly at 7:30 PM EST.
Part 2 starts at 8:10 PM if we need more time.

Members and guests are cordially invited to join our group for our weekly online meeting!

All are welcome! If you would like to join, DM us your email address and name so we can include you in the email list with Zoom Meeting details (meeting numbers and passwords)!

On the agenda:

BPMS Club News.
IPMS News.
Other clubs news.
Hobby News.
What's on your workbench?
Featured Discussion 

October 29, 2024 - BPMS ZOOM Mini Meeting

Featured Discussion: Your most ambitious project... Did you celebrate it or regret it?
Eleven people attended. 
Lou reports Trumpeter's Pz 3 J, Stug 3G (both 1/16), MTLB ZU 23, BTR 70 (both 1/35), Mig 29 PM, F8F2 Bearcat, Eurofighter Typhoon (all 1/32), Me 509, EA 3B Sky Warrior (both 1/48) are available. Watch for Tamiya's 1/35 Pz 1 B and F 35 C. 
Gil told us about the Hudson Valley show last Saturday. Being a vendor, he didn't have a lot of time in the model room but he liked what he saw, especially the 1/35 Sky Crane with folded rotors. Several BPMS members went to Poughkeepsie where they met Gil, Mark and Vaughan in person, rather than virtually. Pictures of the event are on the BPMS Facebook page.
Bobby recapped the last IPMS Region 1 virtual meeting. They asked how can IPMS attract people to shows and attract younger people to the hobby? That led to a discussion on Gundams, their history and the very large number of different Gundams theoretically available. We closed it out with our thoughts on judging and award types, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place or gold, silver, bronze ratings. 
Completed and in progress work included: Ta-152, Mirage, Werewolf (American, London), Norris Spider head (from The Thing), Hover Tank (scratch-built), Willy Ley orbital rocket, F -16 I and SR -71.
The tool tip was using magnets to attach models to bases, secure removable panels, attach subassemblies, even stabilize tail heavy aircraft. Small, powerful magnets are widely available and inexpensive. Just remember,  opposites attract, so test fit, then glue.
We all had ambitious plans. Some projects, like Vaughan's Saab Draken, Kevin's Circle of Life tableau, Gil's Hover Tank and Frank's F-16, came out well. The Airfix B-17 Chuck is building is, in turns, frustrating and rewarding. One of Kevin's Medusas (he's done several) had a lot more parts than the expected, which took away some of the fun and building the Kitty Hawk P-39Q set a new profanity per part count record, according to Vaughan. Several guys admitted to losing interest in projects that sat around too long. A good observation - less ambitious plans usually have better outcomes. 
Today is Halloween. There's still time to trick or treat, just be home by 7:30 pm on Tuesday, 11/5/24, for our next meeting. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there. The 5th is also Election Day. 
