
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Friday, August 10, 2012

BPMS Bulletin: August, 2012


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny
July was another great meeting. We had 24 members and 1 guest who brought in 28 models, which everyone took a turn discussing with the group.
July Meeting
BBQ NIGHT PT2: We had some hot dogs left over from BBQ night in June, so we served them up for this meeting. Yum!
DECEMBER SUPER RAFFLE: December won’t only bring the END OF THE WORLD THEME CONTEST, and desserts, but we’re also going to have a “December Super Raffle!” Not to be confused with the Super raffle that we conduct every year in November, the December Super raffle will cost $5 / ticket. Each will be a shot at winning one of the following models:
  •  1/32 Trumpeter Mig-21UM (w/ photoetch)
  •  1/350 Polar Lights Enterprise NX-01
  •  1/35 Dragon Jagdpanzer IV/70 (resin zimmerit, metal gun barrel)
  •  1/350 JMSDF
Thanks for the donations: Joe Bergman, Ray Keegan, and Jeff Eng.
THE QUEEN THEME: ’52 - ‘12: It was a theme night commemorating the Queen’s reign. Some members brought in models for the display.
MOON LANDING: Vinny brought in a display commemorating the 43rd anniversary of the first moon lading, July 20, 1969.

MOSQUITOCON & THE MISSING AWARD: Joe B. mentioned to the group that he STILL hasn't gotten his award from the NJ MosquitoCon in April. [Editor's note: I hope this matter gets taken care of sooner than later. It hasn't been handled very well so far. It's not good PR and can sour people from going to future shows. The man just wants to be made whole in this matter. ~Bob P.]

SWAP NIGHT: Kits were traded and sold. Aight?
On the agenda: AUGUST
PIZZA NIGHT: Another feeding frenzy meeting! It’s this simple, be up do date with your dues, don’t bring any guests, and you can eat to your heart’s content when the pizza is up for grabs. I’ll ask everyone to please wait for the officers to announce when to commence eating, otherwise the meeting can get out of control FAST! Thanks in advance for being patient. There will be plenty for everyone.
CONTEST – 3RD QTR 2012: Where has the year gone? This is the THIRD INSTALLMENT of the annual BPMS model contest. So that means you bring in something that hasn’t competed in one of the quarterly contests to place in one of our six categories. If you built something new for THAT 70S THEME CONTEST, feel free to bring it in for this contest.

Meeting Date:
August 17, 2012
Same time,
Same place!
See you at the BBSC!