
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

European Tour: '44 - '45 Theme Contest

European Tour

June was the anniversary of D-Day and December will be the Anniversary for the Battle of the Bulge. In between were several other key battles of the Western Front of World War II. Then there was only another six months until the Allies sewed it up at Berlin.    

Theme Guidline:
Build something that can be associated to the Western Front of the Second World War, starting from the invasion of Normandy up through the end of the war in Europe.

  • Operation Overlord: June–August 1944
  • Battle for Brest: August–September 1944
  • Operation Dragoon: August–September 1944
  • Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine: August–September 1944
  • Clearing the Channel Coast: September–November 1944
  • Operation Market Garden: September 1944
  • Lorraine Campaign: September–December 1944
  • Battle of Metz: September–December 1944
  • Battle of Nancy: September 1944
  • Battle of Moerbrugge: September 1944
  • Battle of Hürtgen Forest: September 1944-February 1945
  • Battle of Overloon: October 1944
  • Battle of Aachen: October 1944
  • Battle of the Scheldt: October–November 1944
  • Operation Queen: November–December 1944
  • Operation Clipper: November 1944-January 1945
  • Battle of the Bulge: December 1944-January 1945
  • Operation Nordwind: January 1945
  • Operation Blackcock: January 1945
  • Colmar Pocket: January–February 1945
  • Western Allied invasion of Germany: February–May 1945
You can also check this site for ideas: http://www.dday-overlord.com/

Everyone must have at least a couple models in the closet that will satisfy the requirements of this theme, be it Axis or Allies. There are plenty of options, get building and have fun with it! Contact the sponsors with any questions on the theme.

There has been a rumor that there may be some special awards. More details to come…  

Theme contest date: December 19, 2014.

Theme Sponsors:

  • Joe Bergman
  • Russ Holcomb
  • Ray Keegan
  • Kamila Lukyanova

Addendum - 12/30/2014: 
We had an amazing showing of support for the final theme contest of 2014. The requirement was to build something from the Western Front from World War II, starting from the Invasion of Normandy straight through to the end of the war in Europe. There were many possibilities and the entries showed that spread. The winners were:

1           Bobby Pokorny           Stug III

2          Tomasz Kalata            M-24 Chaffee

3          Frank Colucci              V2 Rocket

HM         Bob Epley                    King Tiger

               Israel Alvarado           Sherman

               Jeff Eng                        Cromwell

               Howell Serkin              Panther

               Kosta Lukyanov          LCVP

               Ray Whitton                Hawker Typhoon

A special thank you to everyone who built for this theme and an extra special thanks to the sponsors, Joe Bergman, Russ Holcomb, Ray Keegan and Kamila Lukyanova, without whom we wouldn’t have had this theme.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Bulletin: December 2014

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

November was a jam-packed meeting. We had 21 members and zero guests who brought in 24 models, most of which were entries for the contest.

November Meeting

COntest night – 4th qtr 2013: This was the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest. The last chance to accumulate votes. Did you take advantage?  

super raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you got ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you got an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. We had a wide assortment of prizes and the chances of winning were high! Thanks to all the members who made contributions this year!

Our most prolific modeler of 2014 was JOE BERGMAN with 40 tickets to his name. Congrats!

Holiday dinner: The holiday dinner went well. We had approximately 20 members, friends, and family in attendance. Good times and good food. We couldn't have asked for more!

3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 376-0033

On the agenda: December

European tour theme contest: I hope you’re ready because it’s finally HERE! Believe me, you’re going to want to win one of the awards for this contest! Find details HERE.    

Awards ceremony: The votes have been cast and the numbers have been crunched. The winners are… NOT SO FAST! Come to the meeting to find out, plus we see who gets to be the first winner of the FRANK TRIPOLI – TOP GUN AWARD!  

holiday desserts: Since we have a separate Holiday Meal we’re just asking the members to bring in some seasonal treats and sweets for the group to celebrate another successful year in the books. Any kind of desserts or snacks would be greatly appreciated. 

Meeting Date: 
December 19th, 2014
Same time,
Same Place!

BPMS Bulletin in PDF format
File Name: bulletin 2014 12.pdf
File Size: 259.8 KB
Download Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/q11mb6

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

BPMS Holiday Luncheon is THIS WEEKEND!

3019 Quentin Rd 
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 376-0033

Saturday, December 6, from 1-3 PM. 
$35 per person.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Bulletin: November 2014

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Judge Bax0jayz

October was a relatively full meeting. We had 24 members and zero guests who brought in 14 models, most of which were Pledges.

October Meeting

nominations: Has two years gone by already? The current regime has put in their time, and it’s time to see some new faces taking the helm. We nominated Gordon Cheung to ascend from the Veep seat to the presidency, and Joe Bergman for vice-president. Congrats, gentlemen! Good luck during your terms! 

model pledge: The attendance was a little lower than usual, and the model count wasn’t very high, but the proportion of pledge models was impressive. Most of the models on the tables were for the pledge, so congrats to those members who took advantage. Each will get an extra FIVE super raffle tixx! Remember, you can bring your pledge model back for the 4th quarter contest!

Holiday dinner: Looks like it’s NORA’S again!

3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 376-0033

We're confirmed for Nora's Park Bench Cafe (3019 Quentin Road, Brooklyn) on Dec 6 from 1pm to 3pm. Menu includes choice of soup or salad with house dressing and choice of: fried shrimp dinner, broiled fillet of cod fish, chicken parmesan, roast beef dinner, grilled chicken dinner, penne pasta w/ chicken in vodka sauce, hamburger or Cheeseburger deluxe and coffee or tea. Price will be discussed during the NOVEMBER meeting. Please come prepared with numbers to be in attendance.

RAFFLE: We had a monthly raffle with a large assortment of items.

On the agenda: November

COntest night – 4th qtr 2013: This is the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest so it is your last chance to try to rack up some votes for 2014. Pledge models are welcome as well as anything you haven’t already entered into a contest previously.  

super raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you get an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. You cannot buy tickets for this raffle. You must earn them! The more you built, the more tixx you get. We’ve been buying items for the Super Raffle all year, but if you would like to donate anything, feel free to do so! Who built the most in 2014? I’ll announce the name at the meeting.  

Meeting Date: 
November 21st, 2014
Same time,
Same Place!

November Bulletin in PDF format.
File Name: bulletin 2014 11.pdf
File Size: 243.9 KB
Download Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ue6nvs

Friday, October 10, 2014

BPMS Bulletin: October 2014

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Judge Bax0jayz

September was an educational meeting. We had 24 members and one guest who brought in 18 models.
September Meeting

FLESH TONES & EYEBALLS: The greatest challenges people name when painting figures would be flesh tones and eyeballs. Joe B. and your humble narrator took turns discussing our approaches to these aspects of the hobby. Joe had some wonderfully detailed hand-outs for the group as well. See below for Joe's hand-outs in PDF format.

Holiday dinner: We started discussions with the group regarding the holiday dinner. Largely the group seemed pleased with our choice from last year, NORA’S. We’ll probably aim for a Saturday lunch in early December. More details will be discussed at the next meeting. Please have an idea if you could make it and if you’ll bring a guest. 

RAFFLE: We had a monthly raffle with a large assortment of items. We’ll probably have another raffle in October depending on time. If you have items to donate for the monthly or SUPER raffle, feel free to bring them in!

On the agenda: October

nominations: Has two years gone by already? The current regime has put in their time, and it’s time to see some new faces taking the helm. Who will we choose? 

model pledge: If you let Jeff or your humble narrator know what you were pledging to build this year, this is the meeting to bring your completed model! Please be prepared to tell us a couple words about the build. (More details below.)  

2014 Model Pledge: Looks like we got this working right now! Bring in an unbuilt model between January and APRIL 2014 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2014, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Photo-Blog:  

Meeting Date:
October 17, 2014

Same time,
Same place! 

BPMS Bulletin, October 2014 in PDF format
File Name: Bulletin 2014 10.pdf
File Size: 259.2 KB
Download Link:

File Name: Joe B - Fleshtones and Eyeballs.pdf
File Size: 608.5 KB
Download Link:

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Anne Holcomb

It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of Anne Holcomb, Russ's mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with Russ and his wife Jeanne in this time of sorrow.

Services for Anne Holcomb

Wake – Sunday, October 12 and Monday, October 13
2-4 and 7-9 PM
John J. McManus & Sons Funeral Home
4601 Avenue N, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Mass – Tuesday, October 14
Church of Saint Thomas Aquinas
1550 Hendrickson Street, Brooklyn, NY 1123

Burial immediately following Mass
St. John’s Cemetery
80-01 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, Queens

Friday, October 03, 2014

Store Closure

Just got word from Russ:

Please let the club know that Michele's at 2090 Flatbush Ave is going out of business and everything is half price.  They have a good selection of kits and accessories. They also have a LOT of craft stuff.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bulletin: September, 2014

T h e
M i n u t e s

by Judge Bax0jayz

August was full meeting. Nothing brings members to the meeting like free pizza! We had 22 members and no guests who brought in 25 models.

August Meeting

CONTEST NIGHT 3Q14: The third installment of the annual contest is in the books. We had an extraordinary showing of good work on the tables and the competition was fierce!  Each vote puts you closer to being the first winner of the FRANK TRIPOLI AWARD, for the member who gathers the most votes during the year.

pIZZA NIGHT: Everyone loves a delicious tradition. Every August brings the BPMS PIZZA NIGHT! The group brought their appetites as we made fast work of the dozen pies.  

IPMS NATIONALS: Some of the members who attended the IPMS Nationals gave a run-down of the show.  

RAFFLE: We had a monthly raffle with a large assortment of items. We’ll probably have another raffle in September depending on time. 

On the agenda: September

FLESH TONES & EYEBALLS: The greatest challenges people name when painting figures would be flesh tones and eyeballs. Joe B. and your humble narrator will each discuss our approaches to deal with these aspects of the hobby. We cordially invite any members who would like to contribute to prepare a couple words on the subject to share with the group during the meeting.  

* * *

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Photo-Blog:  

Meeting Date:
September 19, 2014

Same time,
Same place! 

The Bulletin in PDF format

Friday, August 08, 2014

BPMS Bulletin: August 2014

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

July was light meeting. When summer comes to town, everyone else leaves! We  had 17 members and no guests who brought in 11 models.

July Meeting

PREZ FOR THE NIGHT: Resident Ray Whitton wasn’t able to attend the meeting so our Veep, Gordon Cheung, did a great job of holding down the fort for the night.  

EUROPEAN TOUR THEME: Two of our sponsors, Joe and Ray, discussed some of the finer points of their theme contest with the group. More details HERE. Feel free to direct any questions or comments to the sponsors directly.

PUTTYING TECHNIQUES: Our esteemed panel consisting of Frank Colucci, Ed Johnson, and your humble narrator, described to the group our methods for making those pesky seam-lines in our models go away. While we all have similar goals, everyone has a different approach to taking on the challenge. I think we all went home with a couple new tricks learned. It’s always a good idea to run these basic skills clinics periodically.   

TROOP SUPPORT: With Hugh in retirement Jimmy Tissot volunteered to take over the role as Wounded Warrior Project liaison. He’s gotten reports regarding what models and supplies would be most useful. He was recently advised of a hub to ship to closer to home, so that’s good. As always, donations of any models and supplies are welcome.

PHOTO ROSTER: Hugh can provide the files and write up the process I use in PowerPoint and PhotoManager to put the pages together. Can anyone take this job over? Hello? Anyone? Contact Bobby or Jeff at the meeting.

On the agenda: August

CONTEST NIGHT 3Q14: The third installment of the annual contest is upon us. It’s a good time to try to accumulate some extra votes. Each vote puts you closer to being the first winner of the FRANK TRIPOLI AWARD, for the member who gathers the most votes during the year. Remember, you are invited to bring back your entry for the ASIAN INVASION THEME CONTEST if it hasn’t been entered in a prior quarterly contest.

pIZZA NIGHT: Everyone loves a delicious tradition. Every August brings the BPMS PIZZA NIGHT! Bring your appetite, but not your friends, to our all-you-can-eat pizza feast. Be sure your dues are in good standing, or else no pizza for you!

RAFFLE: We may have a monthly raffle with an assortment of items depending on time.

The Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

Our next meeting will be on August 15.
Same Time, Same Place!

Download the bulletin in PDF format: