by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny
OCTOBER was a good meeting. Despite traffic issues we had 26 members and one guest who brought in 19 models, of which a good portion were pledges.
October Meeting
NOMINATIONS: Prez Gordon and Veep Joe put in their two years of service so it was time for a change. Our new elected officers are Joe Bergman as BPMS President and Bob Elpey as Vice-President. Congrats gents! We look forward to your administrations!
MODEL PLEDGES: Several members had their pledges ready for display and discussion at the meeting. Everyone who came in with a completed pledge will have an additional FIVE tickets for the November Super Raffle!
HVHMG 2016: The BPMS will be sponsored the Award For Best Aircraft at the IPMS Mid-Hudson Show. The show was on October 22 at the Elks Club Lodge in Poughkeepsie, NY. See hvhmg.org for details.
Holiday Luncheon: While it might be early to put in a reservation, it’s never too early to save the date. The group agreed to return to:
Nora’s Park Bench Café
3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11234
on Saturday, December 3, around noon.
Raffle: We had quite a sizable raffle this month. Since November is the SUPER RAFFLE, we’ll suspend this activity until December or January.
On the agenda: November
Contest Night – 4th Qtr 2016: This is the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest so it is your last chance to try to rack up some votes for 2016. Pledge models are welcome as well as anything you haven’t already entered into a contest previously.
Super Raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you get an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. You cannot buy tickets for this raffle. You must earn them! The more you build, the more tixx you get. We’ve been buying items for the Super Raffle all year, but if you would like to donate anything, feel free to do so! Who built the most in 2016? I’ll announce the name at the meeting.
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You can find meeting pics either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/
Meeting date:
NOVEMBER 18, 2016
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