
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Region 1 Update: 09/14/2005

Greetings all,
Time for more news that chews!! I have some updated information to share, a few announcements, and other assorted items you may find interesting.

At long last, the results have been released from Atlanta. They can be viewed at:
When I went through them I noticed a good number of Region 1 people listed as winners, including a number of juniors. Congratulations to all the winners. With the high quality of work on display, everyone that was able to bring home some hardware really earned it. Bravo Zulu!!!
Chairman Paul Cotcher also offers an explanation as to the delay in getting the results posted. Check the IPMS web site discussion boards under the Atlanta Nationals section for further information. I think the problems encountered this year has shown that some standardization in the registration process from year to year needs to be adapted. I know these issues are being looked at in an effort to keep this from happening again in the future.

Every chapter should be receiving the rechartering packages from Jack shortly. I believe they'll be going out near the end of the month. If your chapter doesn't receive one by the middle of October, please let me know, and I'll get you the stuff you need promptly. And if you have any questions or need clarification on anything, just ask!! The important thing is to get your stuff back to Jack as quickly as you can.

The Constitutional amendment to allow the E Board to set the rechartering fee based on the cost of doing business received enough votes to make it a valid vote. Thanks to all that voted either on the web, or with paper ballot. The results was a positive vote on the proposal, so in the future the rechartering fee will be set by the E Board. I'm positive the cost will be going up, given it hasn't risen in a thousand years!!

At the tail end of this update is a listing of all Region 1 approved events, including what I have for 06. One thing I've noticed is that we have a bunch of events clustered around certain times of the year. When planning your event, please look at the schedule and see if it would be advantageous to move your event into a time frame further away from the surrounding events. I realize weather in the region plays an important in scheduling an event here in the Northeast, But I think if we can get a little more dispersion of events everyone will benefit. It's only a suggestion, and I'll ask all the chapters to at least consider it.

This fall the Region 1 Mini-business meetings will be back on the calendar. Two are scheduled to allow every chapter to send a rep to at least one. When I started these a couple of years ago, I only did one in the eastern end of the region. This year the meetings will be atSyrcon on October 16th for the Wild Western end of the region, and Baycon on November 6th for all the out-easterners. I'd like to thank the hosts IPMS Syracuse and IPMS Bay Colony for allowing me to set these up. The topics we'll discuss are whatever y'all bring to the table. They'll be very informal, and hopefully enlightening, but either way, we'll have some fun. Please plan to send a chapter rep to either or both meetings. These don't replace the formal meeting at Noreastcon, but are merely augments.

Speaking of Noreastcon!! John Nickerson, and the rest of the 06 Committee are hard at work getting everything ready for next May. While I haven't received an update from them, (It's way too early for that!!!) I have it on good authority they're on top of it. I know of one group that's looking into putting a bid together for 07, and have nothing for cooking for 08 and beyond. If your chapter is considering a future bid, let me know. I'll get you the sets of guidelines needed for putting a bid together.

I think that's the skinny, for now. If any more news comes my way, I'll pass it along. As always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter. See everyone at Syrcon and Baycon.

Semper Fi

Approved Region 1 Event Dates
(If I missed yours, and it's approved please let me know!!!)
Please check with the hosts for further information

September 18 2005, Rocon- IPMS Rochester NY
September 25 2005, IPMS Cape Cod Mass
October 9 2005, Model Festival - IPMS Stratford CT
October 16 2005, Granitecon - IPMS Granite State NH
October 16 2005, Syrcon - IPMS Syracuse NY & Region 1 Mini-meeting Western
October 22 2005, IPMS HVHMG/Mid Hudson NY
November 6 2005 Baycon - IPMS Bay Colony Mass & Region 1 Mini-meeting Eastern
November 12 2005 IPMS LIARS NY
April 1 2006, RepLIcon - IPMS Long Island NY
April 2 2006 IPMS MASSCAR
April 2 2006, Valleycon - IPMS Wings and Wheels Mass
April 9 2006, Buffcon - IPMS Buffalo NY
April 22 2006, CamAmcon - IPMS Champlain Valley NY
April 29 2006, Downeastcon - IPMS Maine
May 19-20 2006 Noreastcon - IPMS Wings and Wheels, Bay Colony, Granite State, & Patriot. Marlbough Mass
October 16 2006 Syrcon - IPMS Syracuse

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