T h e
M i n u t e s
by Judge Baxojayz
September gave us a pretty
full house. We had 28 members and no guests who brought in only 8 models to an
informative meeting.
HUGH’s final
meeting: It is with great sadness
that we had to say good bye to another long-standing members. Whether you
remember him best for his excellent modeling skills, assembling the photo
roster, troop support, theme contest sponsor or any of the other many
contributions he made to the ongoing life of the club, you’ll know we’re losing
a great asset. So long, good sir! We hope to see you along the circuit! Thank
you, I tip my hat to you, sir!
Dinner: I TOTALLY scrEwed this up. We didn’t
discuss this AT ALL and time is
ticking away! We
only have TWO meetings before December and we need to consider this sooner than
later. Ed Johnson was more on the ball than I; he spoke to someone at a local
restaurant, so we will discuss this possibility at the meeting. The
German/Slovak place we used to go to was washed away by Sandy. The Tasty Tavern we went to last year
is out of business. We need more ideas! Keep your eyes open. Someplace
reasonably close to the meeting place with a good supply of parking would be
ideal. Thanks in advance for your effort!
Using pastels and
dry brushing on your models: Hosted by Joe Bergman
and your humble narrator, we demonstrated how we use pastels and dry brushing
to achieve various effects on our models. A few members had thoughts and ideas
to contribute as well. Thanks!
Trophy package: We sponsored a trophy package for the HVHMG 2013 Show, The Cold War, which will be on
October 19. Show details:
RAFFLE: We had a monthly raffle with an assortment of items. We had
something for everyone’s tastes.
TROOP SUPPORT: With Hugh going into retirement Jimmy Tissot volunteered to
take over the role as Wounded Warrior Project liaison. He’s gotten reports
regarding what models and supplies would be most useful. As always, donations
of any models and supplies are welcome. Jimmy mentioned in passing the cost to
ship models to Texas,
so we collected a couple dollars for a little relief for him which Jeff
presented at the last meeting. In addition, Jimmy was hoping to find some more
support amongst the group for a raffle to benefit the troops. The idea would be
to have a raffle in October of items donated by members and tickets would be $2
each. If donations are numerous enough, we might break it up into TWO raffles.
We’ll see. Don Illjes also found out more about a Wounded Warrior outpost at Fort Hamilton.
More details to come.
provide the files and write up the process I use in PowerPoint and PhotoManager
to put the pages together. Can anyone take this job over? Contact Bobby or Jeff
at the meeting.
On the agenda: October
2013 Model Pledge: I hope you’ve been
working on it, because it’s HERE! You should’ve brought in an unbuilt model between January
and APRIL 2013 (extended) to declare as your pledge model. Now it's time to have it
finished for OCTOBER 2013, for a display. After October you may bring back
your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your
efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your
pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!
NOMINATIONS: Ray and Gordon have only had their posts for a year. They
should be on for another year, per BPMS tradition.
* *
You can see pics from each meeting
either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/
Meeting date:
September 20, 2013
Same time,
Same place.
See you all at the BBSC!
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