
Welcome to the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society

Location: John Malone Community Center
In Joseph Thomas McGuire Park
(A.K.A. Bergen Beach Sports Complex)
2303 Bergen Aveune, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Click here for directions to BPMS

We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in scale modeling to come join us! We meet each month on the third Friday.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: December 26, 2023

Featured Discussion: Get anything fun during the Holidays?

Zoom Meeting Report – December 26, 2023

With many members still traveling or digesting after Christmas, the last BPMS Zoom meeting of 2023 drew just seven people but still provided worthwhile discussion of kits, tools, and techniques. Incoming Vice President Kevin K reported Julio’s Manhattan group build had drawn good notices on IPMS web forums and may inspire imitators elsewhere.   

After some slow weeks, Lou shared news of some welcome kit arrivals. Hobby Boss has released a new U-2R spy plane and a MiG-29K carrier fighter, both jets in 1/48 scale. Hobby Boss as also released a 1/700 scale Titanic with photoetch parts.  Still to arrive is another version of the 1/35 German Land-Wasser-Schlepper.

Kevin announced his first commission work-in-progress, the Hunter-Killer drone from Terminator 2 to be finished in chrome. He is also sculpting the Missing Link from the animated Monsters Vs. Aliens movie and has begun painting the Ghost of Christmas to Come from John Bennett Castings. Frank C revealed an Academy MiG-29 partially camouflaged for the Myanmar Air Force. Gil continues his commission project, a 3D-printed Michelle Pfeifer Catwoman from Batman Returns.  

Few of the Zoom members got kits or hobby tools for Christmas gifts. Kevin observed, “Luckily, I’m in a spot in life where if a model shows up, I just order it.”   Jimmy ordered 1/35 German halftrack and Panther crew sets made by Stalingrad in Russia but admitted, “I could never buy anything again and still have stuff left at the end.” Gil acknowledged his substantial stash and noted, “I could be here for five years and I’d never have to go to a hobby store.” He has begun collecting digital models for 3-D printing and wants to sell off some plastic kits. Gil asked rhetorically, “How many models is too many models?” Rather than reply, Frank C simply showed off his new Sword RF-8G recon Crusader and a couple of RF-84F Thunderflashes that arrived for the holidays.

Gil’s tool tip for the week was a rechargeable Ryobi 1 power tool with a low-speed setting that won’t melt plastic. Bob P. showed mini- and regular-size sprue nippers, one tool with right-angle blades. Part of the evening discussion was when to cut support stubs from 3D printed kits. Removing the artifacts before final cure is a lot easier than when the parts are fully hardened.  

Frank G. found a Facebook store with original Aurora figure and armor kits and declared, “We’ve found the Mother Lode.” He also cautioned, “I don’t know what the prices are.”

After New Year’s Day 2024, the next BPMS Zoom meeting on January 2 promises to be a sobering experience.  Invites to follow.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: December 19, 2023

Featured Discussion: Inspiration
Where do you get your model-building inspiration?
Where do you find out about new kits?
What magazine, website, catalog gets you going

Zoom Meeting Report – Dec. 19, 2023

Fifteen people attended the Zoom Meeting, including newcomer Ed from Pennsylvania who builds armored vehicles and naval aircraft.  Ed’s current project, a Bandai YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie robot, started a discussion of favorite primers.  Bob K still prefers his lethal automotive concoction while others opt for Vallejo acrylic black and other hobby undercoats.

Lou reported absolutely no new kit arrivals, but Jimmy and Frank C await new Sword RF-8 Crusader recon jets in 1/72 scale, one representing the Cuban Missile Crisis RF-8A and the other a Vietnam-era RF-8G. Work in progress included Gil’s Tomb Raider and Catwoman figures, Joe B’s polar-bear-fightin’ mechawarriors modified from Nitto SF3D fighting suits, Bob K’s Hobby Boss F-22, and Vaughan’s 1/32 Revell Hurricane in tortured desert camouflage. Vaughan also revealed his descent into armor with a Trumpeter 1/72 Swedish S-Tank and concluded, “This is one amazing kit.”

New purchases included Bob P’s 3D-printed Buddy Cthulhgu, Frank C’s 1/48 Mi-24 Hind from Trumpeter/MiniHobby, Bob K’s 65 Pontiac Bonneville and VW Van and a 1955 Chevy wagon with parts for the pickup. Mr. K also showed his completed PT-19 trainer from MPM and a ’63 Ford Hardtop from AMT nicely finished in his trademark nail polish colors.

Gil’s tool tip of the week was a pack of rotary bristle-discs with abrasive grits from 80 to 12000. Chucked in variable-speed motor tools, the 1 in. diameter discs smooth putty without damaging plastic. Gil noted, “Sometimes I buy a tool because I’m curious how it will be working on a particular model.”

Our sources-of-inspiration discussion included modeling websites such as Armorama and Missing Links, enthusiast magazines like Air Forces Monthly, and varied social media. Bob P is painting a Fang of the Sun Dougram figure and noted “The whole thing was started by seeing guys build it on Twitter.” Frank G observed, “What excites me about a model is the challenge of something new.” Frank C meanwhile showed his umpteenth F-4 Phantom, inspired by the biography of fighter ace Robin Olds.

The next Zoom meeting will be on the Tuesday after Christmas, Dec. 26.  Invites to follow.


Friday, December 15, 2023

BPMS Annual Contest Results!



HM         Russ Holcomb

                Mark Mullen

                Ray Whitton

3rd           Steven Nelson

2nd          Charlie Nelson

1st           Frank Colucci



HM         Kevin App

                Russ Holcomb

3rd           Guy Ferrara

                Steven Nelson

2nd          Charlie Nelson

1st           Howell Serkin



HM         Russ Holcomb

3rd           Joe Bergman

2nd          Kevin App

1st           Kevin Kilkenny



HM         Steven Nelson

3rd           Kevin Kilkenny

2nd          Frank Giallombardo

1st           Kevin App



HM         Mark Mullen

                Bobby Pokorny

3rd           Joe Bergman

2nd          Guy Ferrara

1st           Julio Guadalupe



HM         Kevin App

                Joe Bergman

                Kosta Lukyanov

3rd           Mark Mullen

2nd          Joke Moon

1st           Tony Mancuso


Most Popular

1Q          Joe Bergman      X-Wing

                Charlie Nelson   F-8E Crusader

2Q          Kevin App           Schnellboot

3Q          Kevin Kilkenny  The Thing: Norris

4Q          Bob Pokorny      Dagon




Thursday, December 14, 2023

BPMS Bulletin: December 2023 by Kevin K.

 Minutes from the November Meeting

Attendance: Members – 22, Guests – 2, Models – 28
Business discussed: Upcoming Christmas Dinner, Dec. 2, at Nora’s Restaurant.
•Reported that the Huson Valley Show was a success, lot of models and Vendor room well stocked. The BPMS sponsored 2 categories.
•Freeport LI show is upcoming. A few members indicate they would attend.
•4Q contest night – tables were full, except the Ship category was rather light.
•Super Raffle – anyone who built and brought in a model had a chance to win, the more models, the more chances. If you Pledged a model and followed through, that gave you 5 extra chances.

Pledge Night for 2024 is in Jan.! Look through your stash for a model to build or pick up that model you’ve wanted to build at the Hobby shop!!

Missed it By That Much!

Prez Tom Knoll mentioned at the meeting, we gave out 314 super raffle tickets. The record was 315 set a couple years back. We came that close to breaking a record!

 Notes from the Activities Director
~Bobby P

There is much to do in December, as we close out 2023.
HOLIDAY LUNCHEON: The annual event will be held on Dec 2 at NOON. Tentative price: $45 per person.


LEGENDS THEME CONTEST: The final Theme contest of the year, LEGENDS. Most of us got into building models to make a display of someone or something that was special. Something Legendary! Was it a race car? A flying Ace? The sponsors invite you to build a LEGEND for this contest. Thanks in advance!

AWARDS CEREMONY: The final quarterly contest was in November, so I will crunch the numbers to have the awards ready to announce who we chose in each category.

HOLIDAY DESSERTS: What’s a Holiday Party without the treats? Members are encouraged to bring any snacks, treats, and desserts to celebrate the ending of another successful year of the BPMS.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

December 5th, 2023: BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting

Eighteen people met for lunch at Nora's last Saturday and fifteen people attended the Tuesday meeting. There's no zoom next Tuesday, as the in-person meeting is Friday, 12/15/23 at the Community Center in Brooklyn. Expect to be busy. We'll have the Legends theme contest, the 2023 award ceremony and (if you bring 'em) holiday desserts. Details are in the newsletter, which is in the mail. 
Lou reports Hobby Boss' 1/48 Pz-4 F2 and Tamiya's 1/48 British 2T 4x2 ambulance are available and many new kits are on the way. Don liked the new video from Fine Scale Modeler featuring an inexpensive air brush (he's a big fan of cheap airbrushes).
In progress and completed work included: Hawker Hurricane ( Vaughn's hairspray horror story), Charlie Brown in Halloween costume (Kevin's latest clay sculpture), PT-19A, two FW-190s, two A-37B Dragonflies, Pz-38t, tank crew figures (reworked), F-4C, Napolean Bonaparte and '53 Ford Coca-Cola pickup. Acquisitions included: Terminator 2 Hunter Killer Tank, Iwata airbrush and JJ-7 trainer.
Gil showed us how to mount a utility blade on hobby knife handle, creating a tool for bending photoetch and for scraping. He's looking for other uses and feedback. Two tips from Don, (1) nail polish racks are a practical and inexpensive way to store paint bottles (2) flatten the point on the lead of a mechanical pencil and use it to represent rivets/fasteners. 
Before discussing the featured topic, we talked about weathering by the hairspray method and by the salt method, mottling paint with sponges and what others think when we tell them we build models. Then we got around to the featured topic, watercolor pencils. Few people knew about them, fewer have used them. Gil has and he felt he had more control with chalk or pan pastels. Kevin and Mark have used watercolor pencils at least once.
Next meeting is Friday 12/15/23 at the Community Center. No invites needed. Doors open around 6pm, meeting starts around 7:30pm. Hope to see you there. 


Sunday, December 03, 2023

Happy Holidays from all of us at Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society.

Friday, December 01, 2023

BPMS ZOOM Mini Meeting: 11/28/2023

Thirteen people attended. The holiday lunch is this Saturday, 12/2/23 at Nora's, 3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, at noon. 
Lou reports Tamiya's 1/48 F-35 B is available, as are the 1/48 F-4U1, F-4U2A and 1/16 Tiger 1 (initial production) from Hobby Boss. 
We didn't see many photos of in progress or completed work this week, but we did see Vaughn's Hawker Hurricane, Kevin's Charlie Brown in his Halloween costume, Bobby's monster sea turtle and Gil's Laura Croft. Jimmy is waiting for a package of Takom kits, 3 1/35 Tiger 1s and a 1/16 figure. 
The featured tools were a pair of micro pipettes, 20 drop and 100 drop capacity. Adjustable and more precise than an eyedropper and with a larger capacity, a micro pipette is ideal for mixing colors. But they only work with thinned, airbrush ready paint or with ink. 
So, what makes a question a stupid question? It's often a question you're afraid to ask, an admission you don't know something that you should. Several people said they'd learned a lot by asking stupid questions and here are some tips that came out of the stupid question discussion: prepare Tamiya paint for airbrushing by filling a new bottle with Tamiya thinner, soaking the business end of your clogged airbrush in heavily diluted Simple Green will remove the clog, Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver will clean and condition your paint brushes, JB Weld works on resin parts , joints on 3D printed resin parts should be pinned (ask Bobby), Bondo is a useful filler, for tight spots put super glue on one part, accelerator on the other, and join them. 
The next zoom meeting is Tuesday, 12/5/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. The holiday lunch is Saturday, 12/2/23 at noon at Nora's. No Invites needed. See you there. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: 11/21/2023

Ten people attended the meeting. Lou told us Tamiya's 1/148 F-35B will be available shortly.
The holiday lunch is Saturday, 12/2/23 at noon at Nora's, 3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn. Good food, good company, good enough parking. 

Kevin reported Hobby Lobby is will open a store on Staten Island by the end of the year. Details to follow. Vaughan is looking for post WW 2 Luftwaffe decals for his Eurocopter Tiger. Contact him directly for details. We briefly discussed commission builds and ways to attract new people to the hobby, like model displays rather than model competitions. 

In progress and completed work included: Revell/Smithsonian Hurricane Mk 2, Ghost of Christmas Past, Wolf Man, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1940 Ford, Dagon and Mig-29. Acquisitions included: Igor/Marty Feldman bust, Dr Frankenstein/Gene Wilder bust, Seafire 17, Hase mini sub, Tu-134, Su- 355 Flanker E and Canadian Ram Mk 2. 

A tip from Mr. K, put a pencil eraser cap on your hobby knife handle to keep it from rolling around. A tip from Kevin, Reikland Fleshshade from Citadel, is good for, you guessed it, shading flesh. 

The topic was black Friday deals. Apparently, we're not particularly excited about black Friday. Offers from outfits, like Andy's Hobby HQ and Sprue Brothers were mentioned, but no one found the "offer he couldn't refuse" (but Frank couldn't refuse a1/48 Cesna 195, if one was available). You may find good deals on Amazon and AliExpress if you look around on a regular basis. Case in point, a 16-bottle set of Vallejo paints from Amazon for $26. 

Next meeting is Tuesday, 11/28/23 at 730 pm. Invites to follow. Tell us what you bought on cyber-Monday.


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: November 7, 2023

Fifteen people attended the meeting. No Zoom next Tuesday (11/14/2023), the in-person meeting is Friday, 11/17/23 at the Community Center. Doors open around 6, and the meeting starts around 7:30. It's (1) Super Raffle night, (2) the last quarterly contest of the year and (3) an opportunity to sign up for 12/2/23 holiday lunch at Nora's, 3019, Quentin Road, Brooklyn. See the BPMS Bulletin (mine arrived today) for more details. 
Lou reported AMT's 1/200 Aretmis-1 is available and Frank G reported a new Hobby Lobby opened on Staten Island, on Forrest Ave near Decker Ave. 
The Freeport Rec Center will host the L.I.A.R.S. (cars) show on 11/11/23. Mark shared photos of the Hudson Valley Show and a large show in Belgum. 
In progress and completed work included: Samuri Figure, Ghost of Christmas Past bust (Kevin's conundrum -paint it as a ghost or as an actor playing a ghost), M-3 Stuart, Merkava 4, C-130, Mr. Kim's Noodle Boat (Don's resin kit is rapidly becoming a scratch-built kit), P-47, 3D printed monster sea turtle, 1940 Ford pick-up and, from Vaughn's stash, Hawker Hurricane Mk. IIC (Revell-Smithsonian). Acquisitions included: Werewolf head, 3D printed Dagon, F3F Wildcat, M-12, Seversky J-9 and aftermarket USCG decals and railings (Mr. K is impressed by Trumpeter's 1/350 set) for the Burton Island kit. 
We talked about the times we've done the wrong thing. Stuff like modifying kit parts before our research is completed, overcoating a base coat with incompatible paint, attaching small parts too early in the build, not noticing "handed" parts until they're glued in place and incorrectly thinning acrylics for airbrushing. We review instructions thoroughly, but we often alter sequence of work as we see fit. Sometimes we come to regret it. We've gone wrong when the instructions are too complex, oversimplified or just plain illegible. Then there are the garage kits that come without instructions or pictures of the final build. So, even when you're not being told what to do, you can go wrong. 
Remember, our next meeting is Friday. Do the right thing and show up. 

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Halloween BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: 10/31/2023

Eleven people attended the meeting. Frank and Lou told us about three new (?) model companies, Hobby 2000, Magic Factory and Dream Model. Lou reported Minicraft's 1/144 C-130 J30, Kinetic Gold's new F-16 D, Block 30,40,50 and F-16 C, both 1/48, Tamiya's 1/35 Pz 4F2 (DAK) and Border Model's 1/35 M-29 C Weasel (incorrectly identified as a Monogram re-release last week - my bad).

No tricks, just treats this Halloween. Mark shared photos of last week's Hudson Valley show, where there were 274 entries and BPMS sponsored two categories. Then, Michael shared many photos of Japan. Well, to be honest, interiors of model shops in different cities and a museum in Japan. Some shops were multi-level buildings in the model district, some were small, independent businesses at various locations. Regardless, they were all well stocked with kits, paint and accessories. Prices were reasonable, helped by the favorable exchange rate. The Kure Maritime Museum has a 1/10 model of the Yamato in addition to many smaller WW2 related items. Not technically a museum, Tamiya's headquarters featured examples of their products from their early wooden kits (who knew?) to the present day (lots of Phantoms, and Frank knew them all). 
In progress and completed work included: Napoleon Bonaparte figure, F-90 Gundam and Mig-21. Acquisitions included: Ghost of Christmas Past bust and F-15 J. 
Being Halloween, we discussed masks. We heard about Aztek Dummy stencils, combining Tamiya thin tape with less expensive tapes or paper to make large masks with sharp edges and securing paper masks to flattened Blu Tack "worms" to mask large areas. 
The next meeting is Tuesday, 11/7/23 at 7:30 pm. (Don't forget to change your clocks.) Invites to follow. Hope to see you there 

Friday, November 03, 2023

BPMS Bulletin: November 2023 by Kevin K

 Minutes from the October Meeting

Attendance: Members – 23, Guests – 3, Models – 27
Meeting was gaveled to order at 7:40PM.

•The meeting centered around Pledge night displays, and it was also Spooky Models Night. Anything that was either spooky, or had a name that was spooky was eligible.
•A report from Julio’s Manhattan Model Build session was another success despite some bad weather. Modelers of all ages and interests participated. Other shows included Armor Con and the HVHMG show. Look for the flyer and categories elsewhere in this issue.
•It was also reported that Julio was injured and not able to attend the event. The Club wishes him all the best for a speedy recovery.
•A report from ArmorCon indicates a nice show, even though the room was small. At least 150 models were on display. The Vendor room was good!
•The monthly raffle was held with 14 winners!
•October is Nominations month, and Tom Govia was Nominated for President. Kevin Kilkenny was nominated for VP.
•Discussion also included the Christmas Dinner to be held Dec. 2. See below.
•Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM
BPMS Christmas Luncheon
December 2 – Mark your calendar! This year’s Christmas Luncheon will once again be at Nora’s starting at noon. The price for the event is $45 per person. If you didn’t sign up at the meeting, please contact a Club Officer. Make sure to indicate if you have a +1.
Nora’s is located at 3019 Quentin Rd., in Brooklyn.
November BPMS Activities!
  • Contest Night: 4Q23 – The last contest of the year. What have you built recently? Bring it in and put it on the table! Good Luck to everyone.
  • SUPER Raffle: November is the month for the super raffle. For every model you brought in you got a ticket, and then for declaring a pledge, and then bringing it in for show you get 5 tickets. There’s always a load of goodies to be won. So, make sure you arrive on time!
  • Looking to thin the stash? We’re always looking for kit donations for the raffles. Take a look way at the bottom in the back of the pile. I’m sure you can find one or two to bring in. Thanks in advance!

Meeting date: 

November 17, 2023

Location: BBSC

Time: We usually have members setting up by 6 PM. Feel free to come by early!

DL the full PDF

Saturday, October 28, 2023

10/24/23 BPMS Zoom mini-meeting report

Sixteen people attended the meeting, although technical problems prevented several from fully participating. That didn't faze Lou, who, in a post meeting email, reported the re-release of Monogram's old M-29C Weasel in 1/32. Bobby gave highlights of last Friday's in-person meeting and an update on next month's Super Raffle - 300 tickets so far! We were glad to learn that Julio is on the road to recovery. Attention, headhunters. Don is looking for a 1/16 head to replace the one provided in the Mr. Kim's Noodle Boat kit. Contact Don directly. Vaughan told us about problems spraying Humbrol acrylics which, apparently, are not as airbrush ready as claimed. Thinning with alcohol, windshield washer fluid and adding flow improver were recommended solutions.

The Hudson Valley show is this Saturday, 10/28/23, at the Elk's Club, 29 Overrocker Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY and the Long Island Figure Show is 11/18/23 at the Freeport Rec Center. The BPMS holiday lunch is 12/2/23 at Nora's, details to follow.

In-progress and completed work included: Eurocopter, F-117 A, AR-2, Annular Monoplane, F-90 Gundam, Tornado, A-4 Skyhawk, MiG-21(recon), a pair of Necronomicons and a trio of Cuthulhus. Acquisitions included: Fokker D-7, F3F-3, B-24, Wildcat (all from Westchester Trains and Hobby in Yorktown Heights), '41 Plymouth and 1911 Deperdussin Monoplane.
The featured tool was a texture pallet Gil made to refine his dry brushing technique. It's a random grouping of spare parts, assorted scales and shapes, primed and glued to a flat surface so you can practice/adjust your dry brushing before attempting it on your model. Good one, Gil.
Only a few of us have used phosphorescent/fluorescent /UV reactive paints. Those who have used them mentioned fluorescent powder that can be mixed with acrylic medium or clear coat for brush painting. Also, Gaianotes produces a line of fluorescent paints for modelers.
Next Tuesday is Halloween. It's also our next zoom meeting. Don't be afraid to join us at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow.


More paint information, courtesy Gil. https://glomania.com/

Friday, October 13, 2023

BPMS Bulletin: October 2023 - By Kevin K

 Minutes from the September Meeting
Attendance: Members – 20, Guests – 2, Models – 23
Meeting was gaveled to order at 8:00PM.

• Discussion of the upcoming contests, including Penn Con which was occurring the following day.
• Other shows included Armor Con and the HVHMG show. Look for the flyer and categories elsewhere in this issue.
• IPMS Region 1 held a Zoom meeting to discuss current events. Topics including welcoming “new” models – i.e., Gundams etc. And the GSB vs. 123 judging styles.
• The monthly raffle was held with 10 winners!
• October is the time to show your Pledge models, Nominations will also be held, and the theme for the Oct. meeting will be Spooky.
• Discussion also included the Christmas Dinner to be held in early Dec.
• Kevin K gave a short talk on painting 1/35 scale figures for your dioramas. .
• Meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM
October Activities!
MODEL PLEDGES: Earlier in the year you should've "pledged" a model to build by the October meeting. Building this model pledge entitles you to a BONUS FIVE SUPER RAFFLE TICKETS! If you finished your pledge earlier in the year and already brought it in, we invite you to bring it back for this meeting. Be sure to mark on your kit slip that this is your Pledge so Bob knows. Thanks!
NOMINATIONS: Usually a regime gets to sit up front for two years, but with COVID we relied on these guys to maintain stability for an extended period of time. Who will be ascending to the desk up front?
SPOOKY MODELS: October is officially the spookiest month, so why not display a spooky model. Will it be a figure of Michael Myers or a Banshee jet, that's up to you to figure out a way to interpret this theme night! ~Bob


Meeting date: 

October 20, 2023

Location: BBSC

Time: We usually have members setting up by 6 PM. Feel free to come by early!

Download the full BULLETIN PDF HERE

Thursday, October 12, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: 10/10/2023

Fourteen people attended the meeting. No Tuesday Zoom next week, the October in-person meeting is Friday, 10/20/23 at the Community Center. It's time to bring in your pledge model. It's also time to bring in models with a spooky theme, like a Phantom (from the Opera or from McDonnell Douglas), Grim Reaper, Death Rider, F2H Banshee, "Bones" McCoy. You get the idea. Doors open around 6pm, and the meeting starts around 7:30 pm. Details are in the flyer, which is in the mail. 
Lou reports Takom's 1/35 Weasel is available. Chuck's recommendation to visit King's Hobby when you're in Austin TX led to a discussion of what kits are sold at Hobby Lobby. 
The second Modelers Meet-up was held at Pier 57 on 10/7/23. Unfortunately, Julio had an accident on the way to the meeting and injured his ankle. We wish him a speedy recovery. Photos of the event are on the BPMS Facebook page. Armorcon is this weekend at the Windham Southbury in Southbury CT. 
In progress and completed work included: Panzer 4 J, Hawker Typhoon, Ilyushin Il-2, Spitfire Mk5 (Russian markings), Fw-190 D, '84 GMC Deserter pickup, P-39Q, A-4 and VW Type 87. Acquisitions included: Space Station (from 2001 A Space Odyssey), F-5 decals and, from Mr. K's substantial stash, Bf-110 D, Me-410, P-51, Ki-43 Oscar and USS Burton Island. 
Gil's latest tool is the flash drive he uses to keep scans of kit decals in the event the originals dry out. 
These are some of the tools we take for granted, drill bit sets, sanding sticks, X-ACTO knives, Dremel motor tool, 3M sanding sponges, photo etch bending pliers, 7-sided nail buffer, metal paint pallet, Panavice and Xuron sprue cutters.  
The next meeting is Friday, 10/20/23. No invite needed. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: October 3, 2023

Fourteen people attended the meeting. Lou reported Trumpeter's 1/32 F-35B(US Marines), 1/48 Mi-17 hip H, 1/35 MTLB and Pantsir anti-aircraft missile system and 1/700 USS Missouri are available. Tamiya's 1/48 F-35B is expected in late December. Also, watch for Micromir's 1/72 SAAB Draken.
Julio organized another Modelers Meet-up for Saturday, Oct 7 at Pier 57 in Manhattan. The venue is first rate and it's easy to get to. See the flyer on the club's Facebook page for details. Armorcon is Oct 13-14 in Southbury CT and the Hudson Valley show is Oct 28 in Poughkeepsie NY. The BPMS holiday lunch will be Dec 2 at Nora's ,3019 Quentin Road, in Brooklyn. Details to follow.
In progress and completed work included: Gundam RX-78(Gordon's custom-made decals include functional QR codes), B-58, Skyhawk, Tornado, a supplemental shelf (Frank found a simple way to create more display space), a pair of Necronomicons (for October's spooky theme meeting) and VW Type 87. Acquisitions included: Tiger 1, aftermarket Panther tracks and AH 1-G Cobra.
We heard more tips on decal application - blot the decal with the side of a flat brush or a thin sponge cloth, use a sponge soaked in hot water to set the decal. We also heard thoughts on the best gloss topcoat.
The main discussion was about sponsoring trophy packages. It seems fewer requests are being made and those that are are incomplete, not mentioning the cost or where to send the money. Why the cost of trophy packages varies from club to club is unclear. Is it due to materials or to help raise funds for the host club, which is OK, but would be nice to know. Bottom line, standardizing some of the information in the sponsorship requests will make it easier for potential sponsors to decide who to sponsor. After all, if you're asking people to give you money, you should lit them know what they're getting and make it easy for them to pay.
Next meeting is 10/10/23 at 7:30. Invites to follow. The Modeler's Meet-up is 10/7/23 at noon. No invite needed.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: September 26, 2023

Sixteen people attended the meeting. No new releases were announced.

Julio has arranged another Modelers Meet-up for 10/7/23 at Pier 57, Daffodil classroom, from noon until 5pm. Details are on the BPMS Facebook page. Armorcon is 10/13-14/23 in Southbury CT, and the Hudson Valley Show is 10/28/23 in Poughkeepsie NY. 

Kevin and Julio shared impressive photos of the entries and the vendors at Jerseyfest. Thanks, guys. We heard about a judging controversy at the IPMS Nationals, which led to a wide-ranging discussion on judges, Gundam v. Mecha, attracting new people to the hobby and so on. 

In progress and completed work included: 3D printed Val Kilmer bust (Doc Holliday, from Tombstone), Spitfire (Swedish recon version), Mr. Kim's Noodle Boat (from The Fifth Element), B-52 with X-15 and 3D printed Laura Croft figure. Acquisitions included: Patriot 105 airbrush, '23 Model T Depot Hack, and Wyatt Earp figure. The tool/product of the week was the Pulsarpro FX dry transfer system. You will, however, need a laser printer and a laminator. 

Decal application was the featured topic. We heard variations on the basic "gloss coat, setting solutions, flat coat" procedure. Mark N uses a coffee filter to prepare the surface for decals. He also sprays a very thinned mist of the model's main color over the decal to blend it in. Micro Set, Micro Sol, Mr. Mark Setter, Mr. Mark Softener and Tamiya Mark Fit Strong are commonly used decal solutions. Walthers Solvaset is reserved for only the most stubborn decals. Vallejo's gloss coat is a good substitute for Future (or whatever they call it now, if they even make it). If you use Dullcote, Mr. K recommends replacing 1/3 of it with thinner for a dead flat coat. 

The next meeting is Tuesday, 10/3/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there. 


Thursday, September 21, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: Sept 19, 2023

Twelve people attended the meeting. Lou reported the 1/32 Tie Fighter and 1972 Toyota Pick-up kits are available. He also reports MiniArt kits are hard to come by at the moment. Kosta shared his recent photo of the USCGC Eagle and the SSV Oliver Hazard Perry docked in New London. 

Jerseyfest is this weekend. Details are on the club's Facebook page. Several people are going, so we expect to see a lot of interesting acquisitions next Tuesday. Julio has arranged another Modelers' Meet Up at Pier 57 on 10/7/23 from noon to 5pm. Details are on the club's Facebook page. Thank you, Julio. Armorcon is 10/13-14/23 in Southbury, CT and the Hudson Valley show is 10/28/23 in Poughkeepsie, NY.
In progress and completed work included: Eurocopter Tiger, Ilyushin Il-2, Pz-4 J, Bearcat, Gundam F 90, 3D printed large scale Laura Croft figure, VW Type 87 and Necronomicon (an HP Lovecraft/Evil Dead thing). Acquisitions included: Tiger 1, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (75 mm figures) and B-17. 

Gil's latest tool was a magnetic tool holder. The magnetic strip keeps tools accessible and organized. Safety note: don't position sharp tools so that you accidentally stab yourself. 

The topic was washing kit parts prior to assembly. For current plastic kits, some do (it's a good way to check that all the parts are there, better safe than sorry), some wash them after assembly (dust, shavings and fingerprints will spoil any paint job) and some don't (why bother, it's an urban myth). But for older plastic kits, resin kits and 3D printed kits, everyone agrees that cleaning is essential. Gil went from soaking resin kits in whitewall cleaner to abrasive blasting his 3D figures, followed by an alcohol wash/scrub, followed by a dish soap wash. The blasting medium he uses is aluminum oxide 120, as used with the Paasche Air Eraser. Kevin uses Purple Power to clean resin. Bobby uses Scotch-Brite pads on resin. And, if the resin isn't completely cured, he puts it under UV light in a lightproof box. Gordon uses microfiber cloths when drying small parts. Gil uses a food dehydrator to dry large pieces and complete assemblies. 

The next meeting is Tuesday 9/26/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there. 


Saturday, September 16, 2023

BPMS Model Clinic: Painting 1/35 Scale Figures

BPMS Meeting 9/15/2023

Plastic Model Building Community Meet Up October

Julio will be hosting another Plastic Model Building Community Meet Up. Please see the flyer for more info. Will be on Saturday, October 7, 2023 - same place and time as August Meet Up.

Friday, September 08, 2023

September 5th, 2023 - BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting

Twelve people attended the meeting. No Tuesday Zoom meeting next week as the in-person meeting is Friday, 9/15/23 at the Community Center. Kevin K will present a clinic on painting 1/35 scale figures. Details are in the flyer, which is in the mail. ]

Lou told us about a new kit from Tamiya, The Walking, Swimming Duck (not to be confused with the DUKW). Italeri's 1/72 AMX Ghibli is also available. 

Gordon showed us some of the sprue cutters he's been evaluating. Watch for his detailed write up in a future newsletter. Mark visited the Wings of Eagles Discovery Center in Horseheads, NY. He'll share photos at a future meeting. 

In progress and completed work included: Eurocopter Tiger (Vaughn fabricated the complex gun sight from laminated plastic on an improvised lathe), Jersey Devil, Pz 4G, Catwoman figure (Gil is getting into 3D printing), B-58 and VW Type 87. Acquisitions included: 5 gal. portable air tank (we remembered some old alternatives to compressors and why they went away) and plexiglass sheets etc. for creating extra display space. The tool of the week was a pop-it fidget toy. Acrylic paint doesn't stick to it making it an easy to clean paint pallet. 

Revisiting last week's topic, maximizing display space, Bobby, Vaughn and Gil gave Frank several options for building supplemental shelves and Don gave important advice on tools and procedures to cut Plexiglas safely. Moving to this week's topic, we talked about what influences our decisions on what to build/buy. For me, if a vehicle was ever on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, I'd buy the kit. For Gil, it's anything Volkswagen. Also, space ships, particularly from the old Irwin Allen shows. Kevin built Aurora's monsters when he was a kid and moved up to limited run monster kits and real space kits. A work assignment got Vaughn interested Soviet aircraft, so he built quite a few. Frank likes building F-4 Phantoms because with all the variants and all the national and operational markings/paint schemes used and payloads carried, he can make every model unique. 

The next meeting is Friday, 9/15/23. Doors open around 6PM, meeting starts around 7:30 pm. No invites needed. Hope to see you here. 


Thursday, September 07, 2023

BPMS Bulletin: September - By Kevin K

Minutes from the August Meeting
Attendance: Members – 26, Guests – 2, Models – 23
Meeting was gaveled to order at 7:40PM.
• Pizza Night and the 3Q Contest.
• A favorable report was giving by the members who attended the IPMS Nationals.
• Reported 2024’s Nats will be in Madison WI, and 2025 will be at Hampton Roads, VA.
• Julio Guadalupe and Bob Pokorny reported on Julio’s Scale Model get together. Another will be planned for the future. See below…
• The monthly raffle was held with 14 winners!
• There was an extended break for pizza and the contest voting.
• Meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM

Meeting date: 

September 15, 2023

Location: BBSC

Time: We usually have members setting up by 6 PM. Feel free to come by early!

Activity: Painting 1/35 Figures, hosted by Kevin K. 



Friday, September 01, 2023

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting: 08/29/2023

Fifteen people attended. Lou reports Trumpeter's 1/16 Sd Kfz 251 D is available. Gordon has been busy collecting and comparing sprue cutters. He'll document his findings in a future newsletter. Anticipating the discussion on display space, Kevin told us about the virtual museum on the Fantastic Plastic Models website. 
If you're looking for outdoor events, Kosta has two, Ukrainian Day,  on 9/10/23, at 195 Glenbrook Rd, Stamford, CT and, on 9/17/23, a Ukrainian festival at 90 Fleet St, Jersey City, NJ. Contact Kosta directly for details.
In progress and completed work included: Eurocopter Tiger (an Italeri kit with problems, although not as many as the real helicopter, according to Vaughan), Jersey Devil,  USS Greeneville, Pz 3, Pz 38t, Stout Skycar, Annular Monoplane 3, Nike Hercules, Ferrari 512 M (Mark was impressed by this Lego offering), B-58 and Tornado.
Acquisitions included: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, B-10B decals, Eurocopter (a different manufacturer, with aftermarket parts and Air- Graphics decals), '40 Ford, '59 Surf Shark Cadillac, F-22 Raptor and F-2B (by way of Plaza Japan, one of Frank's favorite sources).
The topic was improving/maximizing display space. Lou suggested mounting in-flight aircraft on pedestals of different heights. Several guys keep their models in bins and only take them out for shows. Stackable, purpose-built display cases from Trumpeter and others are handy, but expensive. Basketball display cases are good for large figures/Gundams. Not attaching bases to models allows each to be stored separately, saving space. Vaughn built his 7' high, 4' wide, 18" deep cabinets from scratch and Ikea sells bookcases with glass doors. Wall mounted shelves can hold a lot. Mr. K says the shelves in his workroom hold about 1000 models (next zoom meeting, look for yourself). It was noted that glass shelves, as opposed to wood or metal, make it easier to see what's inside a display case. The most obvious approach is to build only smaller scale kits. But who wants to do that? 
Next meeting is Tuesday, 9/5/23 at 7:30pm. Invites to follow.  In the meantime, have a Safe and Happy Labor Day.

Friday, August 25, 2023

8/22/23 BPMS Zoom Mini meeting report

Eleven people attended the meeting. The 8/18/23 in person meeting, being pizza night and the 3rd quarterly contest, was well attended. Photos are on the BPMS Facebook page. No new releases were reported but we heard about the forthcoming 1/32 Tie Fighter from Round 2.
Mark is working on a list of upcoming shows. Details to follow. Mark received a non-modeler's request for someone to repair their Tu-95 Bear, an inherited model with much sentimental value. Chuck can pick it up if someone agrees to make the repairs. Contact Mark and Chuck directly for details. 
If you missed out getting a BPMS shirt last time around, Gordon may order more in future, provided there's sufficient interest. 
In progress and completed work included: 63 Corvette (Paul started the Agora kit with the engine), Hawker Typhoon, FA-18 (Chuck used Mother's Magnesium and Aluminum polish to restore the canopy), Lego Ferrari, F-14, B-58 (Frank really likes the way Vallejo premium grade black label metallic paints look over a gloss black base coat), Tradewind and VW Type 87. Acquisitions included: Douglas 046 A (Kevin plans to recreate a moment in Staten Island history), Martin B-10 B, Mirage 2000 N and 53 Ford Coca-Cola pickup.
The featured topic was cleaning your models. There were stories of well-intentioned family members washing models in sinks or removing dust with a vacuum cleaner(ouch!). Most of us use soft brushes we've picked at craft stores, hardware stores, cosmetic counters or hobby stores/websites. Q-tips and Kleenex are also used. Gordon supplements his brushes with an electric Air Duster (kinda like a hairdryer). Air brushes aren't recommended for dust removal. Individual dust covers, either DIY or professionally built, are effective at keeping models clean. Or maybe you just want to put your model in a jar. Furniture type cabinets and barrister bookcases minimize dust accumulation but dust still gets in. Bobby recalled Mr. K covered his models with dry cleaners' plastic, replacing it when it got too dusty. Unusual, yes, but, Mr. K does have an awful lot of models to keep clean. 
The next meeting is Tuesday, 8/29/23 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

August Meeting Photos

Photos from August 2023 Meeting now up on BPMS Facebook Page

Transformers Arcee Model Kit

For the Robo/Mecha fans out there. Last week I received the Transformers Arcee kit that I had pre-order from last year. 

For those who are not familiar with this model kit, the kit is by Flame Toys - a China, Hong Kong based company. The kit was released in Asia around July 2023 and was released in the USA August 2023 by Bluefin/Bandai Namco Group who are the US distributor. 

For Transformer fans, they would know her from different reincarnation within the brand. The design for his kit is loosely based on Generation One where she's similar in looks but more feminine in body design. The design was created by Japanese artist going by the alias bansan.

The overall kit was beautifully molded with lots of detail. Of course, we have to remember it's a new kit with a fresh mold. The entire kit is snap-on and color molded. 

The first thing I notice compare to another kit from Flame Toys is that there are no poly cap (PC) parts. It seems with the advancement in mold and designs, many new mecha kits no longer needs the traditional poly caps for joints. The kit came standard with foil stickers as with other kits previously however, I notice there was no Autobot symbol. So closer look around the parts I notice the tiny Autobot symbol was prepainted on the part itself. Further examinations I see 2 more pair of parts were prepainted too. I can't say I'm surprised considering that the kit was designed to be put together straight out of the box and the most you need to paint are probably some panel lines and detailing.

With the above said. The kit is great for people who don't want or do not have the means to fully paint a model kit. The kit itself wasn't really design to be painted because on previous Flame Toys kit, I notice how tight joints/moveable areas are and just have no tolerance for paint. Paint would just scraped off around area of the elbows and knees. However, for modelers like myself, we tend to fully paint our kits and some planning is require to work around minor limitations.

Overall, the kit cost $65 and the engineering looks good. I'll have to put this one together to get an idea how well it comes together. Yet, I had build previous kits from Flame Toys and they do come together nicely. From what I found out, Arcee is hard to get at this time due to her popularity and was sold out from many retailers during the first pre-orders. However, Flame Toys announced it will be doing a second round so expect places that had it on pre-order the first time might be doing round two of pre-ordering.


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Plastic Model Building Community Meet-up Interview

Interview with Julio, organizer of 8/12/2023 event: Plastic Model Building Community Meet-up.

Community Group Build at Pier 57, NYC: 08/12/2023

The Group Model Build organized by Julio occurred yesterday and was a huge success! The Daffodil Classroom at Pier 57 big, clean, well-lit and AIR CONDITIONED! It was relatively easy to get to, once you got through cross-town traffic. 

A huge THANK YOU to JULIO for organizing and getting this done!

We estimate that there must have been some 40 - 50 people in attendance during the course of the day. There appeared to be around a couple dozen models on the table covering many facets of the hobby. There were even a couple youngsters walking by the room and came in to inquire about the event. It's rewarding, potentially, to spark the interest of the next generation of model builders!  

Thanks to all the BPMS members who showed up to support this community event, Russ, Steven (& son), Tony, Kevin B, Jeff, Gordon, and Michael "Mido" from our BPMS Zooms. If I missed anyone, I am sorry, I didn't write any names down. 
~Bobby P 

May be an image of 12 people, people studying, table and text 

Submitted by Julio: 
Hey everyone!

Sorry I’m getting to this late, I always forget to check my email for days on end.

Thank you everyone that came to hang out, it was a blast. I’d definitely say the attendance was around 55 people or so, there was a little bit of musical chairs going on. There was also 27 models on display at the front of the room, all ranging from miniatures, to tanks, robots, giant robots and stuff in between.

I will probably host another one of these in a month and a half’s time. I’m currently reaching out to Bandai Spirits (formerly known as Bluefin Brands) to see if they can send me a case or two of some simple, beginner friendly models they use at events like Comic Con to get people interested. If it works out and I am able to get the supplies, I’d love to make the next event focused towards new modelers or potential new modelers, since down the line, they’ll be the life blood of our hobby. And if not, well, we’ll have a good time anyway.