

Thursday, February 06, 2025

February 4, 2025, BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting

Twelve people attended. Bobby wasn't among them, and Frank C agreed to be our Moderator for the evening. Thanks, Frank.
Lou reports Border Models 1/35 FW 190 A6 and Stug 3 G, late (with interior) are available.
Returning moder Eric asked about 1/35 Tigers, and was surprised to learn how many kits and manufacturers there are. Good points and bad points of various kits were noted. Any Tiger geeks who missed the meeting are encouraged to share their recommendations here.
We saw Vaughan's Vulcan and S-38 (poor fits, missing pieces, old decals - nothing deters this guy), Kevin's Mangalore,  Mark's Porsche 934, Chuck's Albatross, Gil's 3D printed Mysteries (?) figure,  Frank's F-84 E and Russ' French 75 (some say artillery is the KING of the battlefield . Get the hint?). Acquisitions included:  The Reptile (from the Hammer film of the same name), Kh-AI-3 aircraft,  B-26, Schwerer kliner  Panzerkampfwagen and an inexpensive LED work light from American Science and Surplus, suitable for a small workbench. 
A Bauer cordless screwdriver from Harbour Freight was the featured tool. Fitted with a glass/tile drill bit and working at low speed, it's good for drilling 3D printed and resin parts. 
Most of us have built the same kit more than once. Sometimes it's intentional, like building the same aircraft with different squadron markings, camouflage patterns or ordnance loads. Sometimes it's not, like when you build a kit that you built when you were a kid but forgot about. Or, being nostalgic, you build that old kit again, hoping for a better result. Some people anticipate building a second kit to correct mistakes they made the first time. Most of us have built the same object in different scales. Then there's "comfort plastic", like Tamiya's M-113 or Italeri's F-5E. Can't have too much comfort. 
The next meeting is Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there and hope you're lucky with your Super Bowl box pool picks.

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