

Friday, February 14, 2025

BPMS Zoom Mini Meeting Report: February 11, 2025

Fifteen people attended. Nestor was one of them. Welcome back! 
No Tuesday Zoom next week, the in-person meeting is Friday, the 21st, at the Community Center. It's the ever-popular Show Us Your Tool Night (for all you Gil wannabes) and the first Quarterly Contest. Also, we're still collecting dues.
Lou said three Hobby Boss kits are available, 1/35 T-54, 1/48 F-18E Super Hornet and 1/72 TBM Avenger with folding wings. He believes this is the first 1/72 kit with folding wings and he should know.
We saw Nestor's 727-200 conversion to 727-100, Vaughan's S-38, Jimmy's Panther G, Frank C's F-84 E, Gil's Thunderbird 3 (3D printed in 3 colors), Frank G's Pan Am Space Clipper and Erasmo's Lockheed Electra and Hurricane. Seeing the Electra and the 727 got several people talking about aircraft designs and personal histories, which happens, from time to time, at the Zoom meetings. 
Acquisitions included: Airfix Vulcan (the MPC kit isn't working out), Little T hot rod (a nostalgic purchase from eBay), Sasquatch figure and the book, Wings Over Water.
Sometimes a modeling tool is right under your nose and you don't realize it. Case in point, the toothbrush. Gil uses old ones for clean-up and weathering/splatter effects. Don uses them to strip paint. Has anyone ever used one to hold parts?
A few weeks ago, we asked Kevin to talk about his scratch-built Bumble from 1964's Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer TV show. The result was a PowerPoint presentation on sculpting with in progress photos of the Bumble, a discussion on materials and techniques used and a list of YouTube channels and books with information on sculpting miniatures. Don't worry if you missed the meeting. Kevin agreed to repeat the presentation at a future in person meeting. Thanks, Kevin.
The next meeting will be Friday, the 21st, at the Community Center in Brooklyn. No invites needed. Doors open around 5pm. Wondering how many Valentine tanks will be entered in the Quarterly Contest? Come to the meeting and see for yourself. 


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