

Monday, November 22, 2021

11/18/21 BPMS Zoom mini meeting report

Thirteen people attended the meeting. There is no meeting this Thursday because of Thanksgiving. The meeting will be the next day, the 26th. We may be able to resume in person meetings in January. We'll keep you advised. One new release, ICM's 1/35 WW2 Chevy 1 1/4-ton truck. MiniArt will release their version in the near future. Also watch for Mobius' 1/48 Aries 1-B Lunar Lander from 2001 Space Odessey. In progress and completed work included: A-6 M2 Zero, USS Oliver Hazard Perry frigate, Hound's Tooth starship, AMG Mercedes, Ar-234, Fi-103 A1 piloted V-1, Fw 190 variant with vertically mounted, downward firing rockets, Piasecki air jeep, Sevesky P-35 (Swedish markings), Fokker F-27 (Air West livery), Tiger 2, MiG 31 and Sea King Mk 42B. Bob K is looking for instructions for Dumas' vac form (not wood) kit of the Creole Queen. Someone, please tell him where to go (to find the instructions, I mean). We talked about airbrush tolerances, needle interchangeability, vortex type paint mixers, thinning ratios and spray pressure for Vallejo paint (Kevin recommends 2 drops Vallejo thinner to 6 drops Model Color Paint, sprayed at around 16 psi), pros and cons of Gunze, Tamiya Spray Flat, thinned matt medium, Dullcote and other flat finishes. Mark suggested polishing the surface with coffee filter material instead of using clear gloss, before applying decals. It was pointed out that for some products, it's critical to thin the paint with the manufacturer's thinner. The conversation was moving so well we decided to go with the flow and postpone color mixing for another day. That day would be Friday 11/26/21 at 8 pm. Invites to follow. Happy Thanksgiving.

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